If it is Jesus' faith, not our faith . . . what are you talking about . . . 'our faith in Jesus.'
It's pretty bad when a Calvinist can't even write one sentence without contradicting Jean.
Well, that is the problem with a lie, you keep having to come up with new lies to cover up the old lies.
It's pretty bad when a Calvinist can't even write one sentence without contradicting Jean.
Well, that is the problem with a lie, you keep having to come up with new lies to cover up the old lies.
The faith or power of Christ is the work he works in us both enabling us to believe Him and do His good will. It become our faith previously having none as natural man. Not little zero.
Again we have his faith as power in us but not of us.
2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us
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