I wouldn't give out my personal address either
But my city and most assuredly my name.
But if you have your name and location, it's EASY to find both your address and your phone number. Trust me... I've tried it before... I've actually done it a couple of times... and I wasn't even trying to find that info ... if someone who I talked to a lot suddenly stops and I know they were having a rough time and I become concerned. So I google obituaries, accidents or deaths with that persons name and STATE (not even their city)... Don't usually find anything of note which is good but I do usually find out exactly where they live... If you have their city... psh... done deal, you got all you need to find the rest. If they have a Facebook account... jackpot!! Talk about a goldmine of info. Heck now that you know all this you can use google maps and you can see the very house they live in.
The ease at which it is to find THAT much info out just by their name and state keeps me from publicly displaying my name ANYWHERE. I don't even have a Facebook. There is really no use for anyone to know my last name. If we are good friends and talk a lot online, then ok. Even so if you google search my name and city you can still find my address. Phone number you won't find but yeah. Lucky for me, my first and last name are incredibly common.
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