Thanks for sharing your perspective Angela.
Would love to read your perspective on Matthew 8.
Would love to read your perspective on Matthew 8.
First, I have NEVER said that Jesus didn't heal on earth, and that he doesn't heal today. That is a straw man you keep propping up. What I object to, is the bad, out of context use of that verse. First, it must go with verse 16.
"When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. 17 This was to fulfillwhat was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:
“He took up our infirmities
and bore our diseases.”" Matt. 8:16-17
So, what is Matthew doing here? Is he giving the prophecy to us, in our day? Of course not! It says clearly that part of the reason Jesus healed, (besides his compassion) was to FULFILL the prophecy in Isaiah which Matthew quotes. Yes, Jesus certainly healed. The prophecy was fulfilled. Matthew certainly saw Isaiah 53:4 as referring to physical healing, but also as a part of the Messiah's ministry, not as a part of the atonement.
Matthew put these lines into his gospel, specifically so people (esp. Jews) would see this fulfillment of prophecy, and know Jesus was the promised Messiah. No, we are not part of fulfilling this prophecy. Only Jesus had the authority to heal. Because he was God, and even with his finite flesh, he had the power and authority of God.
Because we are completely finite, and our bodies have NOT been redeemed, we are not living in in glorified bodies, according to Paul:
"For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now. 23 Not only this, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we eagerly await our adoption, the redemption of our bodies." Romans 8:22-23
So, we are not Jesus, not God, and we are not able to command healing. Plus, again the over-realized eschatology of Word Faith which would have every believer living in a glorified and perfect body from the minute of salvation, although there is no such promise. Instead, even Paul says WE EAGERLY AWAIT. Await what? The redemption of our bodies, when Jesus returns.
As Dr. Gordon Fee, a Pentecostal Biblical Greek scholar says:
"The Bible therefore, does not explicitly teach that healing is provided for in the atonement. The 2 NT passages, 1 Peter 2:24 and Matt 8:16-17 are the crucial ones for the total 'Health' part of Word Faith. The argument for perfect health, or healing on demand, lies in the joining of healing as a part of the atonement. (the basis of the demand: God has provided for it, therefore he must heal when asked) with all the texts on faith (since it is fully provided for by God, Word Faith people reason that it may be secured by the correct formula of faith.) Thus the emphasis in this movement is on 'raising people's faith'...And worse, there is a way of interpreting these texts that can make a mockery of the divine will. 'God promises us whatever we ask'. Fortunately, God does not grant everything we ask. For our asking is based on our own limited and finite knowledge, and all too often it is coloured by our self interest. A case in point is Hezekiah. Hezekiah had his prayer for healing answered,, and he was granted 15 more years of life. But, it was during those 15 years the evil Manasseh was born and ruled the land for 55 years, bringing down the nation of Judah in only a few generations" *
Healing is real. I don't deny that. But it is so childish and lacking Christian maturity to think there is a formula we can believe that gives us the right to claim everything Jesus had!
Please take a course in Hermeneutics from a good, Bible believing seminary. You could avoid so many pitfalls, including not clinging to the fact that Matt 8:17, is taken out of context- the people who it was written to, as well as the surrounding verses, when it is point blank obvious that we do not have any such rights to "claim" or "command" healing. You have been terribly deceived! You use the Scriptures incorrectly, and you claim you are a god, because only a god can command healing on demand. Plus, experience shows us over and over that God does NOT heal believers every time. And it is not because of sin, or a lack of faith on their part.
*Gordon Fee, The Disease of the Health and Wealth Gospel, pg 25-26.
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