Wow, the very fact your still arguing against grammar rules of Greek and English, only shows how far you are willing to go not to be wrong about anything. You reveal alot about yourself, I bet your never wrong in anything.
I am sorry you dont believe in collective nouns, you need to study English and Greek, that's not an insult.
Your whole argument for another non mentioned 2nd group of people was soley based on the tenses of the words, repent (sing.) and be baptized (plural). This you said PROVED their was 2 groups of people.
Wrong, so wrong. You can't even get this right. but yet again twist what it is I am saying because you cant comprehend it.
My whole argiment is the fact that the group of people were separated by person (2nd and 3rd person) which proves that they were separated.
A second person and third person word of any type are not related. It does not matter about the tense. The tense of the words just ADD to the proof of what I have said. But even if Peter used 2nd person plural and 3rd person plural (using the same tense) he still would be talking to two groups of people. even though they have the same tense.
YOU coveintly overlook the collective noun "AND EACH OF YOU" which is sing, but describes a plurailty, like a "TEAM"
1. The words (each of you" is a translation, it is not in the greek. it is also written in a particular person, which means the verb has to match in person to the type of word it is. The word with matches is is remission of sin, and baptism, Which means:
1. Since repent is of another "person" it is not a part of the subject or the group of people being spoken to.
2. You, baptize and remmision are all spoken 3rd person.
You evidently need to restudy language
2nd person is a term used to direct a conversation to an induvidual or group of people "you do this)
3rd person is a term used to direct a conversation to other induviduals (he she they)
In talking to a group of people. Peter told everyone to repent, as he used the second person pronoun.
In speaking about baptizing, he changed the pronoun to 3rd person. meaning he is directing this command to a different group of people (them) Since "them" is the proper 3rd person pronoun, and "you" is a second person pronoun, We see the the sentence is mistranslated. And should be translated,
"let all of you (2nd person plural) repent, (2nd person plural) and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (2nd person plural) and Let them(actually it should be he or she since it is singular) (3rd person singular)(it is assumed this is them who have repented) be baptized (3rd person singular) in the name of the Lord for the (because they have received) remission of sin. (3rd person singular)
Now we can see the trouble the interpretors might have had interpreting the passage, It would sound odd saying everyone of you repent, and let him or her be baptized. So they continued by using improperly the second person pronoun you, And they could not use the plural word. so they did not us the word "they or them"
REPENT FOLLOWS NOUN - "peter said unto THEM" them is plural - so in the greek, repent is plural
Yes it is plural. Which I have stated 100 times.
BE Baptized follows COLLECTIVE NOUN "each of you be bap..." SINGULAR so baptized, is SING or vise versa
So it's no different from saying in English - the players said, "coach, what shall we do now"?
and coach replied unto them
and coach replied unto them
(plural), "drink (plural) and let each of you(Sing) be refreshed (sing)".........Get it?
Sounds good on paper. but does not match the way 2 peter is written.
In your example., all the pronouns would have been second person. The fact that one was singular and one was plural does not matter one iota.
A better example would be a group of people at a job fair all looking for the same job.
The person who is recruiting workers says:
Let everyone of you get a drug test (speaking to the whole group) and you will be considered for the job.(all 2nd person plural words)
and Let (he or she) fill out an application, because they have passed the test.
the 2nd person group is directed to everyone there
the 3rd person group is directed only to those who
1. Chose to have a drug test (not all of them would, some would know they would fail)
2. have passed the drug test.
also we see the problem with the english language, How do you properly use a 3rd person singular pronoun to say what you are saying, so what would he say? He would probably say you (a second person pronoun) and could easily be misinterpreted to mean he was talking to the whole group, when in fact he was not.
Wow, are you seriously going to keep arguing this like your right, anyone honest would have already looked into this and said, "oh I guess I missed that" and stopped using that.
You should direct this question to yourself. because your the one who needs to ask yourself this question.
You have not proven me wrong yet. Or even come close to giving me any reason to change my viewpoint. All you have done is make assumptions based on your belief, and illfated arguments which do nothing to support your cause.
This shows you are not concerned with truth, if you were you stop arguing 1+1 = 3, and define 1.
Again. You need to ask yourself. A 2nd person pronoun or word can NEVER be mixed with a 3rd person subject or verb. In any language. Your trying to mix them, and in doing so destroying the laws of language.
Same here, this is the rules of grammar, this is HOW THE GREEK IS WRITTEN look into it, stop looking foolish arguing against it, it's not like I invented Greek, It doesn't make me right or wrong, its the way its' written dude. wow.
I have looked into it. I have shown you examples. I have even used proper defenitions. Because you think I am basing my facts on tense of verbs and nouns (plural or singular) you have missed the point completely. either that, or you are so bent on proving me wrong, You see it, but you refuse to acknowledge it/
It's all self explanatory, your the one needing to add people where there is no mention of other people, your the one needing to argue against the Greek rules of grammar and the English.
In order to believe your false doctrine, do you know how far one must stretch the meaning of words, the context, and the imagination? Nothing you teach is self explanatory, you lean toward Gnosticism, you must have special or secrete knowledge, because it's definitively not found in scripture.
In order to believe your false doctrine, do you know how far one must stretch the meaning of words, the context, and the imagination? Nothing you teach is self explanatory, you lean toward Gnosticism, you must have special or secrete knowledge, because it's definitively not found in scripture.
I came out from under that hard hearted self centered attitude. I pray you do also. before it is too late.