Okay, thank you. I understand.
After reading this, I think I have a question: Is it possible to assume that Grace is offered to all and that it has to be the work of those who received it if they are not the elect? I don't see where
Salvation is offered to all means, "If not elected", only some kind of work for salvation must be done.
I also think it is a presupposition. To say:
I understand your position to be that salvation is offered to all but to become saved it is up to a person to first do something such as to produce belief in themselves in order to obtain it."
I never believed that a person worked for salvation, nor do I think that after the preaching of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit convicts the person who is able to see their need for Jesus. They had to be drawn to Christ, and that is done only by the work of the Holy Spirit, who is God. Once the ability to receive the gift freely is not of works, one can accept it, reject it, or neglect it.
Accepting a free gift is not a work

It is just receiving it or not.