Know you should be able to prove from the Bible what you think it says if you are going to say the word of God says ask one to show you where in the bible something is taught.
You say show me where in the word of God initial evidence was taught? that is intellectual dishonesty. the term "initial evidence" is not said in the Bible just as the word Trinity is not and many other teachings ( doctrine) came out of studying the word of God.
the word Doctrine just means teaching which you take issue with. You were given very clearly the context from and application for initial evidence. You disagree, fine

. I will not lose any sleep over it.
1cor chapter 12 through 14 with the Gospels and the book of Acts many of us provided to you why we see what we see. You disagree fine. I wish you would be able to explain your own Biblical position. You are not here to do that. Only attack those you disagree with.
No problem. You make outlandish claims of us and our biblical understanding, yet you have YET to say " here is what 1cor chapter 12 through 14 means to you or what was Jesus saying really as you see it in the Gospel of John or the Acts accounts.
You have nothing. Just I don't accept man doctrine Oh my I'm scared and feel so inferior to your powerful intellect....not.
I asked you some time ago about the apostles being saved before the day of Pentacost and they had the Holy Spirit to be saved already before that day, yet you have not answered to that biblically. That is a very important thing. But you went on about man doctrine. OK fine. there are really no other posts you come to but ones about the Holy Spirit soon other like you will come and bloviate about the topic but provide no biblical text to refute only some so-called claim of church history or the pseudo-science and secular humanism. They will speak as if they have the Proof from :
- linguist
- pagan and occult practices
- the abuse of the gifts from those they hate or disagree with biblically
Just running around like spirit Don Quixote trurling the bible and regurgitation of those who are not even Christians like of the list above. They have no biblical answer. they must look outside the Bible and to the pagans, to disprove the Bible

Very sad people they are.