The word for "appointed" is G5021 "
tetagmenoi / tasso"... and under HELPS Word-Studies at BibleHub, says this: "[
5021 (
tássō) was "primarily a military term meaning 'to draw up in order,
arrange in place, assign, appoint, order' " (
[bold and underline mine]
There is some question as to whether the word in this verse is
"Middle Voice" or
"Passive Voice" (passive would mean this was done unto them [
entirely by someone else], but the
middle voice
would not). [middle or passive:
This is when we look to the rest of the
CONTEXT to see if there are any other clues that would inform us...
and there are: In verses

verse 46 also speaks of an ORDER:
"*first*" to the Jews, right?]