But there will only be ONE that is [/will have been] immediately
preceded by [at least, being
somewhat LOCK-STEP with] the vanishing / disappearance of a vast body of persons (namely, believers in Christ

Yes, sure, at that time "God shall SEND TO
THEM strong delusion THAT
THEY should believe the LIE / the FALSE / the
PSEUDEI" but that's to certain ones (I believe, to the ones who've hardened themselves to the Truth), not to
100% of the ppl who will be left on the earth at that time. (I believe Paul is showing the CONTRAST of the
two opposite "beliefs" ppl WILL BE coming to,
FOLLOWING "our Rapture" in these 2 chpts of 2Th--which agrees with what we see in both Rev and in the Olivet Discourse--the parts about that "future" time-period,
aka starting with "the beginning of birth pangs" [the seals]).
Rev4-5 shows the "24 elders" (whom I believe represent the already-raptured and awarded Church which is His body) saying, "hast redeemed US... out-of EVERY"... BEFORE Jesus will "STAND to JUDGE" by His opening the FIRST SEAL... which kicks off the 7-yr period (same "start-point" that Dan9:27
a shows).
That's one primary difference. = ) Ppl will have disappeared / vanished, just prior to this "confirm / strengthen the covenant with the many" thing he will do (at the START of the 7 yrs--the "IN THE NIGHT" time-period, what is COMMONLY called "the tribulation period [7 yrs]"... not the "GREAT" tribulation period [3.5 yrs], which only starts at the
later AOD point, MID-trib).
As I mentioned in another thread (maybe it was this one, I don't really recall

), the AC / man of sin is also being referenced PRIOR TO the MID-point, starting
in Dan11:36 [the break being between v.35 and v.36] ... which
v.36 starts off by saying
"And the king shall
do [
active - in LXX G4160 - same word as is used in Rev13:
5 - I'm NOT saying these are the same TIME-slot] according to his
will [/ thelema -LXX]."
From what I understand (and I could be mistaken), when the word "will" (Grk) is used in conjunction with "ACTIVE" ("do [active]"), then the word "will/
thelema [Grk LXX]" would mean something more than just "doing [what one] WISHES" (as it can SOUND like, in this sentence).
Just a thought... something to consider along with the primary point at the top portion of this post. = )