SO what? I am concerned with what the Bible [teach]es NOT with what you think about time periods.
It is very apparent that you also disregard what the Bible itself says about "timing" issues and "sequence" issues and related issues...
... for example... what you said here:
After mentioning wrath in Luke 24, He says to look up your head for your redemption draweth night. There are many similarities to Matthew 24, including the reference to the Son of man coming, and Matthew 24 is addressed to His disciples.
--the "SEE-then-FLEE" that comes "BEFORE" all the beginning of birth pangs listed in Lk21:8-11, per v.12's "But BEFORE ALL these..."
cannot be the same as
--the "SEE-then-FLEE" that comes AFTER the beginning of birth pangs written of in Matthew 24:4-8, as vv.9-21 (for example) FOLLOW the beginning of birth pangs;
...and... as further evidence... "the abomination [singular] of desolation [singular] spoken of by Daniel the prophet" (Matt24:15, Jesus spoke of) can only be the "A[singular] of D[singular]" Daniel wrote about in his chapter 12 ("abomination [singular] of desolation [singular] SET UP [H5414]"), which the day-amounts given in that chpt coupled with Daniel having been told he would "[rest (that is, in death)] and STAND IN THY LOT [i.e. be resurrected...'to stand again' (on the earth)] at the END of the days [at the END of the "days" spoken of in that context]" proves that the Preterist interpretation (which famously tends to disregard "timing" issues also) cannot be correct... the ONLY portion of His Olivet Discourse that speaks of the 70ad events are:
--Matt24:2 / Mk13:2 / Lk21:6 (corresponding with what Jesus said in Lk19:41-44,35 [/Zech9:9] said ON the very day that the "69 Weeks" was concluded, that is ON what we call Palm Sunday [on the very date they would select the Passover lamb, and examine it for four days, per Ex12:2,5,6];
--as well as what Jesus had said in Matt22 verse 7 "But when the king heard thereof, he was WROTH: and he SENT FORTH HIS ARMIES, and destroyed those murderers, and BURNED UP THEIR CITY"--That's the 70ad events... SAME AS in Lk21:23,20 (Olivet Discourse) "when ye shall SEE Jerusalem COMPASSED WITH ARMIES, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then [...] FLEE to the mountains. [...] For these be the DAYS of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled."--Note that this is NOT saying, that this is the sum-total of everything having been written being fulfilled IN THIS instance (the 70ad events)... it is just making the point that THESE TOO are things [having been written] which must be fulfilled, these (as well) cannot be left out!
But vv.12-24a,b are clearly said to be what comes "BEFORE ALL THESE" beginning of birth pangs that vv.8-11 had just described (whereas Matthew 24:4-8 STARTS OUT with "the beginning of birth pangs" and proceeds FROM THERE in what FOLLOWS the beginning of BPs... including its own distinct "SEE-then-FLEE" occurrence that FOLLOWS "the beginning of birth pangs" [UNLIKE the one in Lk21!! which instead PRECEDES them!!]--and recall that "the BoBPs" are EQUIVALENT the SEALS of Rev in the section of Rev speaking of the "future" events of "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" which immediately precedes and leads UP TO Christ's Second Coming to the earth--Rev19--which clearly has not yet taken place... so the Preterists' disregard of "sequence / chronology" and the "timing" issues and other details has resulted in their completely MISSING what is actually being conveyed in Scripture--same goes for the "Amill-teachings" who also are well-known for disregarding the numerous and very meticulous "timing" and "sequence" issues God has provided in His Word)
(Why don't you just cut random-sized letters out of a newspaper to use in yoru messages like a serial killer leaving a message for the police?)
Just trying to faithfully follow what my English teachers of old tried to teach me, to the best of my ability [emphasis mine] = ) , which I realize "my ability" is WHOLLY INADEQUATE (do you also often criticize people who stutter or the like, or are mentally slow and as such, communicate in a manner not quite up to your level??)
After all, I did not learn my English-and-Grammar-composing skills from "Internet chat boards" (the "stunted-grunt" method), but from ancient teachers who are now long dead...
... not to mention, I'm from a long line of both English teachers AND a slew of police-detectives... IT'S IN MY BLOOD!!!! (
My advice to you and the readers: CONSIDER the SEQUENCE ISSUES in the Olivet Discourse, and pay close attention to the "timing" matters there, RATHER THAN just "stabbing at" similar words and automatically ASSUMING that because there are indeed SIMILARITIES that this makes them BE THE SAME INSTANCE, but only by DISREGARDING the "sequence" and "timing" types of words found there too (little, supposedly "unimportant" words like "BEFORE" and "THEN" and "THEREFORE" and the like, which "Amill-teachings" and "Preterist-teachings" completely ignore to come up with their "mish-mash-of-MUSH" ideas which are incorrect)
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