Are you illiterate? I asked why Firmament4 got banned from this forum, I said nothing about myself getting banned from Facebook. The comparison between this forum and Facebook equates to a dictator type mentality. I stand behind Acts 17:11, not what someone determines I can say or not say when it comes to biblical content.
websites included.
if you don't own it, you can get kicked off it, just like i can kick you out of my yard for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Acts 17:11 doesn't say i have the right to demand to enter anyone's house and camp out in their living room.
regarding 'dictatorship' - the Biblical model is exactly that: Christ is King, not an elected official. the indication, which is explicitly stated in Luke 17:10 by our Lord, is that we should humbly consider ourselves unworthy servants, not vain entitled nobility demanding obesiance from everyone and complaining when we aren't given seats of honor and special privilege.
you signed a term of service. abide by it without grumbling.
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