because y'all have badgered and attacked her for a couple days, so she's basically had it up to here and doesn't think you're doing anything but laying a trap with your question so you can call her a heretic. put yourself in her position
((and i do the same dang thing, i even do it to you -- i'm a lot meaner to people than i ought to be, go a lot further than i need to, and get all high and mighty when i'm sure i'm right and someone else is off the rails -- we're supposed to be gentle and loving. i'm personally convicted about my own failures in that and trying really hard to walk in the light on things like this))
((and i do the same dang thing, i even do it to you -- i'm a lot meaner to people than i ought to be, go a lot further than i need to, and get all high and mighty when i'm sure i'm right and someone else is off the rails -- we're supposed to be gentle and loving. i'm personally convicted about my own failures in that and trying really hard to walk in the light on things like this))
From my very first comment and onward, literally none of my questions received a direct answer even though I initially made efforts to treat it like a good faith discussion by giving direct answers to questions. Soon I realized this wasn't a quid pro quo discussion.
The way conversations and debates should occur is by reciprocating questions and answers to each other. It shouldn't involve ignoring questions and pressing onward with a narrative. When it does, there's no reason to treat it like a good faith discussion, in my honest opinion.
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