I'm not going to address everything in your post line by line... I want to just start with these (due to some time-constraints I have at present):
Right. Coz the text itself tells us "1260 days" (what I don't get is, why you as an Historicist are not extrapolating this into a period of "1260 YEARS" like you're supposed to
lol... well, in order to be consistent... er, oh... yeah...)
I've mentioned in past posts I agree their "1260 days" aligns with 6 of the Trumpets (so we fairly agree, on this particular point... we just disagree as to WHEN those "6 Trumpets" occur, in relation to other passages/events).
And yes, their ministry CONCLUDES in/around the "6th Trumpet / 2ND WOE" (see verse 14a saying "The SECOND WOE is past" after having just described what takes place at the END of their 1260-day ministry).
In addition to that point ^ , Rev8:13 had already informed us: "WOE [1], WOE [2], WOE [3]... BY REASON OF the other voices of the trumpet [i.e. 5, 6, and 7] OF THE THREE ANGELS [5th, 6th, 7th], which are YET TO SOUND!"
The last THREE Trumpets are connected with these THREE "WOEs".
It is the "FIFTH Trumpet / 1ST WOE unto the earth" that is the mid-point of the 7-yr trib, aka when "the great tribulation" (Rev7:14; Matt24:[15,]21) COMMENCES (i.e. the second half of the 7 years); not at the "1st Trumpet" (nor the "7th," as some suppose).
ditto what I put above
We kind of agree... at least that their "1260 days" run concurrently with the first SIX Trumpets (which, as I said, includes "5th's" WOE unto the earth, and "6th's" WOE, per Rev11:14a); but we disagree on where they fall (on a timeline) in relation to other events in scripture, or in the trib.
I encourage you to examine ALL of what I've put in past posts about what occurs at the MID-point (when the "42 mos"/3.5-yrs/"1260d" [but not the "2W's 1260d] is still yet remaining, etc), coz there's A LOT that corresponds with the COMMENCING of the great tribulation [/second half of the years]... as well as the few that I've named in this short post...
[to be clear to the readers: the SEALS / BoBPs (same items) AND the first FOUR Trumpets "fit" into the first half of the 7 years;
The 5th Trumpet / FIRST Woe unto the earth is at MID-point (AOD; commencement of GREAT tribulation; man of sin seats himself in the temple; them which be in Judaea "FLEE"...etc etc... all at/around the MID-point); Then the"6th Trumpet / 2nd Woe" when the "2W" conclude THEIR "1260 days" (some time AFTER the mid-point)... and the 7th Trumpet / 3rd Woe / 1st Vial and the remaining Vials, "for IN THEM the wrath of God IS COMPLETED" (not, "is STARTED AND completed"... no... these are the "7 LAST plagues," not the total sum of them); and ALL OF THIS "fits" into / WITHIN the "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" per 1:1 / 1:19c / 4:1]
I believe:
1) The time of the Two Witnesses will be 3.5 years.
1) The time of the Two Witnesses will be 3.5 years.
2) The description in verse 6 aligns with the Trumpet events. (the first 5, possibly 6)
And yes, their ministry CONCLUDES in/around the "6th Trumpet / 2ND WOE" (see verse 14a saying "The SECOND WOE is past" after having just described what takes place at the END of their 1260-day ministry).
In addition to that point ^ , Rev8:13 had already informed us: "WOE [1], WOE [2], WOE [3]... BY REASON OF the other voices of the trumpet [i.e. 5, 6, and 7] OF THE THREE ANGELS [5th, 6th, 7th], which are YET TO SOUND!"
The last THREE Trumpets are connected with these THREE "WOEs".
It is the "FIFTH Trumpet / 1ST WOE unto the earth" that is the mid-point of the 7-yr trib, aka when "the great tribulation" (Rev7:14; Matt24:[15,]21) COMMENCES (i.e. the second half of the 7 years); not at the "1st Trumpet" (nor the "7th," as some suppose).
3) The descriptions from Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24-25, and Luke 21:25-26 refer to the Trumpet events timeframe also.
4) The two witnesses actually cause the Trumpet events to come about by/through their prophecy/testimony. (the first 5, possibly 6)
I encourage you to examine ALL of what I've put in past posts about what occurs at the MID-point (when the "42 mos"/3.5-yrs/"1260d" [but not the "2W's 1260d] is still yet remaining, etc), coz there's A LOT that corresponds with the COMMENCING of the great tribulation [/second half of the years]... as well as the few that I've named in this short post...
[to be clear to the readers: the SEALS / BoBPs (same items) AND the first FOUR Trumpets "fit" into the first half of the 7 years;
The 5th Trumpet / FIRST Woe unto the earth is at MID-point (AOD; commencement of GREAT tribulation; man of sin seats himself in the temple; them which be in Judaea "FLEE"...etc etc... all at/around the MID-point); Then the"6th Trumpet / 2nd Woe" when the "2W" conclude THEIR "1260 days" (some time AFTER the mid-point)... and the 7th Trumpet / 3rd Woe / 1st Vial and the remaining Vials, "for IN THEM the wrath of God IS COMPLETED" (not, "is STARTED AND completed"... no... these are the "7 LAST plagues," not the total sum of them); and ALL OF THIS "fits" into / WITHIN the "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" per 1:1 / 1:19c / 4:1]