Moses heard God's voice, and that voice gave us the eternal laws. They are eternal and as factual as our beautiful land is a fact. Moses also gave us the rites to perform as man was learning to obey these laws that lead to life and beauty.
Moses also gave us the rituals to perform to remind us of these eternal laws, and man decided that obeying the rites were as good as obeying the laws they were to lead to. Scripture has called them the laws of Moses. They are not the eternal laws, and when these rites were misused by man as God's eternal law, God took these rites away.
In a different way, you are getting the rites and the eternal laws mixed up so you don't even know what sin is. We are to take our sin to Christ to be cleared from our life, but your misunderstanding of the rites and the eternal laws of God means you don't know about sin at all but are all mixed up.
Moses also gave us the rituals to perform to remind us of these eternal laws, and man decided that obeying the rites were as good as obeying the laws they were to lead to. Scripture has called them the laws of Moses. They are not the eternal laws, and when these rites were misused by man as God's eternal law, God took these rites away.
In a different way, you are getting the rites and the eternal laws mixed up so you don't even know what sin is. We are to take our sin to Christ to be cleared from our life, but your misunderstanding of the rites and the eternal laws of God means you don't know about sin at all but are all mixed up.
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