I added it for clarification since we're time-bound creatures. I know fully well God chose his people in Christ in eternity. All his elect were in Him before time began. Of course, what God decreed in eternity WILL in the future come to past.
The syllogism -
1. Humans are temporal beings.
And 2. God is a different kind of being to humans.
Therefore, 3. God is not temporal -
is not logically valid. The premises 1 and 2 do not lead to the conclusion. It has the same problem as the following -
1 Humans have blood.
And 2. a cat is a different kind of animal to humans.
Therefore, 3. cats do not have blood.
You cannot assume God is not temporal just because we are temporal and He is different. His differences could lie in attributes other than temporality., and He would still be different.
When the Trinity chose the Son to be the first-born among many human siblings, God intended that those who would later trust in the Son, though yet unnamed and unidentified, would be the ones God would make into the Son's many siblings. This is why Paul says that the saints that are in Ephesus and are faithful to Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:1) God chose in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame before God in love (Eph. 1:4), and predestined them o be adopted at the resurrection and to reign with Christ as mature sons and daughters. (Eph. 1:5)