When you say there is a different between private interpretation an personal relevation is it reminds you of a story?
If the hear the voice of the LORD tell you something and you verify it in scripture then it is not a private interpretation, it is faith;
and hearing the voice of the LORD tell you something that is not in the scripture is not a personal revelation, it is friendship.
So you ever hear about the story about the book and the two witnesses? It goes something like this:
So a book is handed to one man who asked to read it, and the man says I cannot for I haven't been taught to read;
So the book is then handed to the other man who has been taught to read, and he says I cannot for it is sealed.
So who was the book then handed to according to scripture?
Where is this ice cream shop at? Cause if they are giving away free ice cream then it sounds like the place to go. Why would anyone buy something they don't have the money to pay for it since no ice cream shop serves you first without paying. But I digress, what would you have done, eaten it or left it? Since my LORD told me not to listen to voices then I would have ate the free ice cream.
"If one hear's the voice of the LORD tell you something and you verify it in scripture then it is?" "The Spirit of God"
"Lighting one's
path," (opening one's eyes) in illuminating "dots" previously
"hidden, or sealed." Thus causing one, to "revisit", and "overlay" the "newly lighted" picture, over the older one.
"and hearing the voice of the LORD tell you something that is not in the scripture is not a personal revelation": "It is a
prophecy, whose time of "telling", is come, or not come to tell yet.

If you're going to "tell a story" that's in the Bible? At
least, "tell it right", eh?

(Isaiah 29: 10-eoc)
I "do" take minuscule offense, in regards to your use of "the 2 witnesses", in your story. But, hey! It is "your" story right?
learned man can't open it, cuz it's
And the
unlearned man can't open it, cuz he is unlearned.
But, "undaunted" and marching
"ONWARDS!!....THROUGH the fog" (of deep sleep)
, as pseudo-learned men wont to do? Teaching and preaching: (From the vanity of their own, and oft times "collective hearts?"
"Thus SAITH the Lord!" When He didn't say it.)
Pretty MUCH defines what and how the
"Famine of the end times" is like eh?

Ok, you got me, on the "ice cream shop." I "should" have said "restaurant." Where one gets the "check", but doesn't "pay" until one leaves. Usually
after one eats.