Listen Rome really doesn't accept western "Catholics", they tolerate them. You see yourself as the collective church no matter where you are i.e. universal church = catholic? I am in the understanding of the word and its meaning thank you.
The point is the word catholic is not in the word of God. The term Christian is. And the Doctrine to which I listed as you do know was in context to the RCC which is the Threads topic AKA Pope do they worship
The point is the word catholic is not in the word of God. The term Christian is. And the Doctrine to which I listed as you do know was in context to the RCC which is the Threads topic AKA Pope do they worship
1aoften capitalized : of, relating to, or forming the church universal
boften capitalized : of, relating to, or forming the ancient undivided Christian church or a church claiming historical continuity from it
ccapitalized : ROMAN CATHOLIC
Her son goes to a Catholic school.
especially : broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests
a catholic taste in music
Catholic noun
Cath·o·lic | \ ˈkath-lik , ˈka-thə- \
Definition of Catholic (Entry 2 of 2)
1: a person who belongs to the universal Christian church
2: a member of a Catholic church
especially : ROMAN CATHOLIC
Other W
saying a word is not in the Bible is a poor argument and discredits your full post.
There are many doctrines, teachings that are named by titles, words not in the Bible.
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