Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Politics is a worldly realm. The 'god' of this world pulls the strings of politics. Please see beyond what you are told is 'true'. Do you think the enemy controls the mass media, with all its spin and sensationalism? Defo. God looks on the heart. As His children, so can we. Personality politics is a mucky puddle. The worldly systems are not under our control, capitalist or socialist or anarchist or oligarchy, etc. The enemy is the father of lies and want to distract if he (it) can not deceive.
The best way to prevent someone from hearing the truth is to convince them they already have it.
I want the scales to fall from all our eyes. Jesus warned about being deceived.
The best way to prevent someone from hearing the truth is to convince them they already have it.
I want the scales to fall from all our eyes. Jesus warned about being deceived.
I am not completely sure what you are saying here calibob, but in my experience those without money can far more worshipers of money than those who do have it.
Socialism comes to mind, they want what others have.
Socialism comes to mind, they want what others have.
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