It does depend. When I turned from giving glory to the material and giving glory only to God, I was told "Everything is going to be just fine."
On one occasion while sharing the Word with a fellow student at the University of Illinois, C-U, I was "given" to say to this lad with a strong southern accetn, his accent that is, "When you return to you hoome, Haifa, say hello to all of your friends for me. He was astounded that I knew he was from Haifa, Israel.
One night in my sleeping bag in the Rockies while using it for sleeping a voice did come to me, and it did sound almost like many waters. The words were, "Now the children of Israel, while they were wantering in the wilderness were disobedient, and by their disobedience salvation was gained by the nations." I understto the implications of these words when they were given me, and it is also in the Word phrased differently, but saying th same.
One time, also in the Rockies, I was in a large resort-like house occupied by a bunch of "hippie types." I was given instructions and a miracle followed.
This also occurred once when I was driving a mail truck, also in the Rockies to wait for someone at a specific place on Peat to Peak Highway and give them a ride to Beaver Road.....
All the above were understood, and easily put into words but only the dream with the voice had a voice. So, you tell me. I believe it was always God, and if and when it occurs again, I will continue to believe it so...
God bless all in Jesus Christ, and all who will come to Him, amen.