Or, even one - that is an in-focus real actual honest bona fide unretouched picture of a satellite in space. (verifiably "in space" of course)
Oh, now this is very telling...
Then, why are you being so retarded?
If you will just think about this long enough, you should realize why it cannot be true. (It really is quite absurd.)
Have you ever actually tried to prove to yourself - with real physics - the stuff you believe?
Why do you think you should have to?
If the Ball Earth model were true, there would be hundreds-if-not-thousands of pictures of the whole earth from space in the public domain. Why is there not even one?
If the Ball Earth model were true, there would be hundreds-if-not-thousands of pictures of satellites from space in the public domain. Why is there not even one?
Why is everything we see that NASA puts forth an "artist rendering" instead of an in-focus real actual honest bona fide unretouched picture?
If we have cameras that can read the face of a dime from 10 earth orbits away (
) - why can we not take in-focus real actual honest bona fide unretouched pictures of satellites in space from earth?