The term empath seems more like a native journey believed that you leave your body and follow your guide in the spirit realm to reveal certain issues about your life. I would liken it to a soothsayer (palm reader) with a crystal ball performing a seance. Probably have better results just using a ouija board if you really want to play with the demonic world.
So basically, If I am a professing follower of Yeshua (Christ), any time I am confronted with someone using the terms
empath - soothsayer - palm reader - wicca
- pagan - druid - a reference to the ouija board... I either am walking away from it (them) or rebuking it!!
In my opinion, the term
empath alongside Christian is as about as blasphemous as the Adversary (Satan) taking communion to remember Christ and how He defeated the Adversary by conquering death at the CROSS!!
well actually, no. that would not be what people are referring to here as an empath. I don't know when Christians started using the term 'empath', but maybe they picked it up while watching Star Trek
the descriptive terms you are using for 'empath', describe a fortune teller...not an empath
reading the thread, it seems there is misunderstanding because of the use of that word
if a person is more sensitive than another, they may very well pick up on what is going on inside of the people around them. this is a person who feels more than others...not a witch or fortune teller or whatever
frankly, I think it is a natural phenomena when a person does not involve themself with the occult or pursue being able to 'read' others
my own thoughts on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are that God bestows whatever gift on a person, according to their nature and perhaps natural abilities...not necessairly every time, but often a person will not even know what they have buried within them until God reveals it to them
if anyone is cautious about supernatural things, that would be me. but as a Christian who is not a cessationist, we SHOULD be aware of the unseen world around us and we SHOULD be able to discern before walking into situations that are not good for us
it remains that having 'empathic' abilities is not demonic just because someone uses a term they picked up without understanding how the world views it
there is nothing to be afraid of. if something is not of God, prayer and having an honest heart before God usually will sort out what is going on. no need to label everything as demonic