Hi.. I don't know you so just asking. Allot was said in that whole chapter...he was talking about something. When you read 'Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?" Do you see the "works"? WHY was Abraham about to offer Isaac? God told him to. Abraham was walking by faith. If Isaac was dead Abraham could not be the father of many nations so he knew some how some way Isaac would live. He didn't know how but trusted walked by faith. Do you see the works? Is not just believing John 3 16..what GOD said.. we then blindly believe aka faith not knowing how but knowing if HE said it no matter what happens to us.. we will not tasted death but will live forever.
Yet when talking about "salvation" it is a gift and those works are not what keeps it safe from .. I don't know dropping it?

The "works" are to me like fruit.. its what comes .. whats produced. Right there were not doing it He is for no branch can produce fruit from its self it has to come from the vine. I'm man living in a fallen world were demons and fallen angels.. I am nothing to them.. I like dust. Then GOD comes alone dies for the world the good news. So He makes this new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Maybe I should be asking what does "salvation" mean to you? Is it a word and we just believe John 3 16 and then duh must do good things works to show to prove (lake of a better word) that we love Him? Something dead was made new. Its not a word not a belief its what we walk in then notice this flesh this sin that is in me...is not me.
Not sure if I am making any sense lol. I was not promised tomorrow and there is NO fear with God. I didn't find Him He found me. I can't undo what a GOD made new. I don't have that power. Its not of this world. We must by faith with out wavering just believe or "But he must ask [for wisdom] in faith, without doubting [God’s willingness to help], for the one who doubts is like a billowing surge of the sea that is blown about and tossed by the wind."
Doubt is not of God....