I don't understand why there are so many threads about faith and works on this message board????????? All Christians believe that faith is important and all Christians believe that good works are important. So, let each of us go forth into the world and shine our Christian light on it with faith and good works that emanate from our faith.
ANY changes or alterations of the Gospel cannot be allowed to stand. Here it is:
THE Gospel unto Salvation:
God wrapped Himself in human flesh in the form of His Son, Jesus the Messiah. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin. He suffered, was crucified, and died to pay OUR sin debt. He was raised to life from the grave to prove He had defeated death. If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that His Father resurrected Him to Life on the 3rd day, you WILL be saved. You will be filled, and sealed with the Holy Spirit, who will empower ALL to turn from their sins. The sin of adultery, lying, stealing, homosexuality, gossip, slander, drunkenness, covetousness, etc... And most importantly the sin of DEAD works, or a moral life in an attempt to EARN Salvation. He will also equip you to love like He did and do good works for HIS Glory.
So now maybe you understand why so many of us respond to threads inserting some type of works to gain or maintain Salvation.
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