I'm not discouraging obedience. Just the opposite. Anyone who believes they are obeying the law by trying to keep the commandments in their own strength falls short of obedience. That's why Christ came in the first place. Simply because we are saved we don't suddenly become able to keep commandments. It is only as we walk in the Spirit that we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Apart from Christ we can do nothing. So encouraging people to try their best is dooming them to failure. Teaching people to live under the yoke of Christ releases burden and provides rest. Teaching people to delight in the Lord is what leads to having the desires of our hearts given. Not our present desires, but pure and holy desires are placed in our hearts. Teaching people how to humble themselves and actually get into the presence of God where we are changed from glory to glory is where we are conformed to the image of Christ. Learning how to work out our salvation in fear and trembling knowing that it is God who is willing and doing His good pleasure.
Far from encouraging disobedience, I'm trying to share with people what it is to have a real and vital relationship with God where real change is occurring in them and the power of God is resting upon them, and not some self discipline that outwardly conforms to the law but has no inward reality.
There truly exists a phenomenal life with God hidden in Christ to be had. A life that finds its satisfaction in the good Shepherd and does not want. A life where God is our reward and He that is all desirable becomes all desired by us and we are fully satisfied in Him. But it isn't found in pursuit of obedience; it is found in pursuit of Him.
Far from encouraging disobedience, I'm trying to share with people what it is to have a real and vital relationship with God where real change is occurring in them and the power of God is resting upon them, and not some self discipline that outwardly conforms to the law but has no inward reality.
There truly exists a phenomenal life with God hidden in Christ to be had. A life that finds its satisfaction in the good Shepherd and does not want. A life where God is our reward and He that is all desirable becomes all desired by us and we are fully satisfied in Him. But it isn't found in pursuit of obedience; it is found in pursuit of Him.
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