I am beginning to think the whole bible is about sin and fruit.........
How they would apostisize, how they would rebel, how they would be chastized, and admonished, punished, and/or corrected, how they would repent, and how our Father would heal them. Again, after, again, time after time!
Until, the adversary got God's children to force God, into THE IMAGE of whom they DEMANDED God to be!
....and, THEN they would follow Him! (sound familiar?
IOW, the clay telling the potter, how He should make them!
Through the "lens" of the "Everlasting gospel?"
The Bible is a book of apostasy, and God's loving Kindness, which endures forever!
Meaning? It's BIGGER then the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The book of Revelation sez so. Heck! Even Jesus Himself sez that!
"If you believe me?" "Believe also, in He who who sent me."