NO one is supporting sinning as many have posted about it's destructiveness in our lives.
There is a simple issue here. Jesus came to set us free from sin.
If you preach a gospel that does not have this freedom as its bedrock, then from our
perspective you are preaching that sin cannot be broken.
The whole logic behind your theology is to say sin points us to Christ to impute His
righteousness on us, though we sin we are forgiven.
Now nowhere is scripture is this concept ever used. A righteous man is deemed righteous
because of their faith and not their acts. Sin when identified and understood is to be confessed,
repented of and Jesus will cleanse the believer through His blood.
There is an inevitability of sin, if we do not abide in Christ, but in abiding there is the expectation
of righteousness empowered by love, the Holy Spirit and Gods word. This appears to be missing
because the excuse is to talk about righteousness will encourage legalism and works salvation.
Sounds to me like a logic trap to stop one fulfilling the promise Christ brings.