I tend to not listen to individuals that claim to be a channel directly to God and receive visions, divine words and such. However, I have taken issue with a certain YouTuber that claims to be such. His videos focus solely on Christ “Imminent” return. From seeing visions of Jesus to receiving supposed messages that he reads at the end of each video, he has cumulated a following of about 35 thousand subscribers. Most of the comments in the threads seem to believe he really is a Prophet. I have called him out on a few occasions and he has stated to me that if I don’t believe him I don’t believe in the Lord. I just wanted to be see other Believers opinions on this matter are. Should I just stop rebuking him or should I continue to call him out as self appointed Soothsayer so others might realize he promoting false teachings? I certainly pray for him and his followers.
Anyone who believes Jesus, Yeshua, is in the Lord. No one is required to believe me when I share miracles with them, but I do hope the y believe Jesus first and foremost alwayss. I tend to believe all who come here with recountings of their miraculous experiences in the Lord, but always Jesus, Yeshua first and foremost. We are to believe all things beautiful.
You cannot bting brethren to the person to rebuke his tales, so, dtreat him as a non-believerr. This is not a sin, just being cautious in the Lord. The Lord knows who is His, but you know this already. God bless you always.