I don't think the popular idea that the oil represents the Holy Spirit holds up.
Yes, anointing oil is symbolic of The Holy Spirit in the right context but this isn't about an anointing.
The wise virgins suggest that the others go to purchase oil from those that sell.
Purchase The Holy Spirit from those that sell?
Yes, anointing oil is symbolic of The Holy Spirit in the right context but this isn't about an anointing.
The wise virgins suggest that the others go to purchase oil from those that sell.
Purchase The Holy Spirit from those that sell?
Idk, I have considered it referring to the Holy Spirit but consider that the 5 wise virgins probably purchased their oil and were simply good stewards of it. Where would the oil have come from? ...Certainly there is a verse or two about purchasing things from the Lord (offhand I recall buying from the Lord in one of the letters to the seven churches. Using Strongs it's Rev 3:18, but the context is only just to that one church but still there is an instance).
I've mostly understood it to mean to only "burn the midnight oil" when there is good Godly purpose to doing so and not just your own pleasure in revelry, etc. That your source isn't your resource to do with whatever you please and to be a good steward and to be safe rather than sorry where possible with regard to that calling.
If I had to boil it down to a few words. Don't be excessive perhaps?
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