I don't know if there can be dialogue anymore because everything you said about how you would interpret Scripture is exactly what Pre-tribbers would say--that we're only reading exactly what the passage says, ...
The problem is --- Pre-Tribbers are
not reading exactly what the passage says ---
they only think they are...
I say this based on the fact that I used to be a Pre-Tribber myself. I was raised with the 70th-week-of-Daniel 7-year-tribulation-period teaching, with the 'Rapture' occurring before that 7-year tribulation period and the 'Second Coming' occurring after that same 7-year tribulation period.
"But now I can see both sides of this thing..."
And, I am telling you now - with all manner of confidence in the knowledge of the truth in this matter - and with all of the sincere Christian love that I can put into attempting to help you to become aware - that "the whole pre-trib rapture thing" is a LIE of Satan!
To recognize this lie for what it truly is, you MUST be
willing to [at least temporarily] "set aside" or "suspend" everything you know ( or think you know ) about biblical prophecy and look at what the Bible
actually says.
I think of the Pre-Trib Rapture teaching like a table - the legs of which are the "props" that hold it up. And, in the case of this particular illustration, the legs also have bracing to hold each other up. However, as you remove the legs - one by one - out from under the table, the table and everything on it falls - the whole thing "crumbles"...
All of the following notions are part of the "structure" that holds up that table.
NONE of them are actually biblical:
~ The '70th Week of Daniel' is "separated" from the other 69 weeks.
~ The '70th Week of Daniel' represents a 7-year Tribulation Period.
~ The Tribulation Period will be 7 years long.
~ There will be two more "comings" of Christ.
~ The Rapture will occur before the Tribulation Period.
~ The Rapture will occur 'in secret'.
~ The Temple will be rebuilt. ( "according to prophecy" )
~ The Anti-Christ will make a 7-year peace treaty with Israel.
~ After 3.5 years, the Anti-Christ will break the treaty with Israel.
~ There will be a wedding, a supper, and a judgment in heaven during the 7-year Tribulation Period.
These notions come from the misinterpretation of scripture. The 70 weeks of Daniel "came and went" - unbroken - in a single continuous span of 490 years. Fulfilled. Done.
Christ Himself fulfilled the 70th week part of the prophecy. The ministry of Christ took place during the first half of the 70th week. He was crucified in the middle of the 70th week. The bible does not indicate the exact length of the 'Great Tribulation' period.
I know you think you have been taught the truth about the Rapture and the End Times scenario...
"But I promise you, you have not..."
What does this passage actually say? :
Matthew 24:
[SUP]29[/SUP] Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: [SUP]30[/SUP] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. [SUP]31[/SUP] And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
It does not get any more straight-forward than this.
Do you not agree that verse 30 is describing the return of Christ?
Do you not agree that verse 31 is describing the Rapture?
Does it not indicate very plainly that the descriptions in verses 30-31 occur
after the tribulation?
What tribulation? What days? Matthew 24:21 indicates that it is the 'Great Tribulation'.
According to the pre-trib rapture teaching - Jesus comes before the tribulation period "in the clouds" and "in secret" - and, then, after the tribulation period - He comes "with power and great glory" -- What does this verse say?
Jesus comes "in the clouds of heaven" AND "with power and great glory" -- at the same time - in the same coming.
"Food for thought...?"
Is this passage saying that - "immediately after the tribulation, Christ will return"...???
NO - it is not.
I say this to make a point about how people do not pay attention to what the scriptures
actually say.
What does it actually say?
It says that - "immediately after the tribulation ----
shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken"...!
In my study of the End Times Scenario, I have discovered / determined that there are
at least 3.5 years between the end of the 'Great Tribulation' and the return of Christ.
The point being - people tend to think that the time frame in this passage of scripture ( not to mention many others ) is
very short - almost instantaneous --
and they are wrong -- because they are not paying attention to what the scriptures
actually say...
They have been taught what to believe by a "ritualistic, traditions-of-men mentality" -- and NOT by the Holy Spirit.
NOW --- before you let your PRIDE get all out of control...
This is not about me.
I am not making any special claims.
I am nothing and nobody, and I know it.
This is about the Word of God.
It is not
me that I want you to listen to.
It is the
Word of God that I want you to listen to.
When YOU decide that YOU would MUCH RATHER [ really, actually ] know the truth ( with true humility ) -- than to feed your PRIDE in
appearing like you know the truth -- and you are willing to swallow your PRIDE - and, with humility, search the scriptures to know what they
actually say ( and not what you were taught to believe -
albeit, by well-intentioned people who were also taught as you were, etc. ) --- you will begin to understand
more clearly what the Bible says
very clearly.
Until then, you will continue to be blinded by Satan and your own stubborn human PRIDE.
The choice is yours...
Just remember --- my words - and your reaction --- will "come again" --- on Judgment Day.
"Make it a good one!"