everything is known by our Heavenly Father, absolutely nothing gets by Him,
whether in heaven or on earth...from 'forever', you think our 'pea-brains
can easily 'get this?!?',

why anyone would take offense that our Saviour 'knows-all', before and after,
and patiently awaits for His Prophecy to unfold, time after times, as time goes by?!?!?...
do we have 'choices'???
we're both waiting 'with-Him-now', - want to talk about 'two-walking-talking-miracles'?!?!?
'just two witnesses of what Yeshua has done in their lives...- every day of each our lives, for all of us who
truly desire to Love and Honor, Serve, must 'shine/share our Light, for the miracles and Grace God has
so lovingly bestowed upon us...
it's called 'Loving-Witnessing-Giving', as The Holy Spirit leads: this is where we're at, and we're
always eagerly awaiting for our Saviour to teach us how to serve Him/others more, and in new-ways,
as He leads us homeward...
'to give is to receive', 'Faith, Hope, Charity',...precious Holy shadows of the heavenly, but there be
only the 'few' who will choose to submit, learn and live according to Yeshua's ways... -
'The just shall live by Faith'...
but 'the few'? we, hub and myself, believe that the few are those who walk and talk His Way,
if His Spirit/Life are truly abiding in you...
and yes, Will, you will think that everyone is thinking that they are 'doing it' His Way, but oh
Will, He does have a way of convincing whom ever He wants, once and for all'...