"This trend picked up steam in 1948 with the Latter Rain Movement giving renewed emphasis to fivefold ministry, and soon after with the Charismatic Movement and Third Wave movements, led by figures such as C. Peter Wagner, who is now the leading figure in what is known as the New Apostolic Reformation, which emphasizes the specific need for apostolic leadership in the Church, among the other fivefold anointings."
The above statement is such a miscarriage of truth I cannot even describe it.
- Listen folks, don't study by 'wikipedia' O.K.?
The above paragraph is totally false. It's like comparing Elvis Presley to John the Apostle.
- - Totally laughable.
The above statement is such a miscarriage of truth I cannot even describe it.
- Listen folks, don't study by 'wikipedia' O.K.?
The above paragraph is totally false. It's like comparing Elvis Presley to John the Apostle.
- - Totally laughable.