What would be the difference between what you call "prophetic symbolism" and "literal interpretation" of the scripture?
Is "prophetic symbolism" the signified language of parables and "literal interpretation" the letter of the law ?
Is "prophetic symbolism" the signified language of parables and "literal interpretation" the letter of the law ?
i. e. the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
"he has always believed in the importance of symbolism in garden art"
- symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts.
"the old-fashioned symbolism of flowers"
Where as literal interpretation means to interpret scripture solely on the basis of what words say and mean. Of course this leads to appparent contradiction that must be reconciled into a literal view that agrees with all the scriptures.
A good i. e. would be this 2 vs 1 gospel conflict. Truth is: it is beating at the air. There is no conflict just bad understanding.
And instead of dialogue we just have this obscene effort to shut down any real discussion of the facts in scripture.
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