I'm not gonna fight about it. I mind how anyone here believes about any of it.
I disregard traditions of men, like people who say hell is forever, and the lake of fire is forever...
I even go as far as to say that the Lord Jesus Christ has already came back...
There seems to be a balance......what does the following mean when one compares the bolded against the underlined.....is it not the same principle that is being argued concerning the sins of the whole world? I dont understand how to respond. This scripture is seems to included everyone all men, even those who beleive.
For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
Did not JESUS say the Pharisees would die in their sin because they have not believed in him?
What is implied by this statement......
SO...if they believe their sins would be covered right?
Yes, they would turn from their unbelief, or repent, their sins are covered, but the unbelief factor was not covered because they didn't believe in the first place. The Pharisees loved their temples, and the way they did everything back then, and looked at even Jesus Christ as sinner, and that He was out of His mind.
Also Jesus Christ called the Pharisee hypocritcs, and everything else looking at context, even talked about Judgement for them.. Which is intresting to me because I always pretain all these things being said to them in their own time respectively. Do not know if that makes much of a case, in saying well who was He talking to.
What can I logically conclude from this......? I'm not sure.
In John 3:16 the word world is KOSMOS or whole order of things......
What can I glean from this truth........?
John 3:16 for God did so love the world, that His Son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during.
But we have scripture were it says the Lord desires none to perish, so I believe He can still reach out to others even after this life, to draw them near to Him.
It might be a fantasy land to most people in the way I see this to be possible, I just do not believe God is limited.
and I believe in Him getting what He desires, and it will be the choice, of those who didn't believe to turn around, to God, no matter how long it takes.
Scriptures says all tongues will confess JEsus Christ is the Lord for the Glory of God, is this a lie?
I tried to answer to the best of my ability here, and Ill be honest it has been a while since I have read any of the Gospels, all the way through or any of the letters all the way through.
Thanks for taking time to read this if you did, and have a great Saturday.
I like being different and thinking different than most everyone else because I believe we have Freedom in Christ Jesus to think for our self.