Here's a thread on the Hebrew Roots movement:
With regards to you, if you aren't asserting that Old Covenant elements such as Sabbath, festivals, and clean/unclean meat laws apply to New Covenant Christians, I apologize. There are groups such as Hebrew Roots, Armstrongites, and others who are doing this on the forum.
With regards to you, if you aren't asserting that Old Covenant elements such as Sabbath, festivals, and clean/unclean meat laws apply to New Covenant Christians, I apologize. There are groups such as Hebrew Roots, Armstrongites, and others who are doing this on the forum.
Thanks for the site, but I would rather hear, or read what you think of them, maybe by a PM rather than derail this thread. You have my curiosity up now.
I looked up Armstrongism (which I have never heard of), and it "is a term, usually considered derisive, (expressing contempt or ridicule) used to refer to the teachings and doctrines of Herbert W. Armstrong while leader of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG), and is professed by him and his followers to be the restored true Gospel of the Bible." I have heard of Herbert W. Armstrong however.
see post #26.We have already addressed the "Sabbath, festivals, and clean/unclean meat laws" that I have never mentioned on this thread. It has been only you who brought that up out of 'who knows where'.
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