Paul warned us and also John in the Revelation's warned us the in the last days there will be a great falling away. Peter claimed in his 2nd Epistle that some have misunderstood Paul's message and in turn distorted it. He warned it would lead to their destruction. Makes one think Peter knew about this belief in thinking we have a license to sin. I doubt he would warn us that we are distorting Paul's message (I can only assume the message of Grace since most know Paul by it) if it were not true.
The great falling away is the loss of people in the church, Not because they lost salvation, But because the christians died and their children did not replace them, because they wanted nothing to do with God (wee see this happening today, with all the empty churhc buildings which are sitting there rotting)
If people misunderstand pauls message (anbd I agree they have) then they have never been saved, They have not lost it.
Who believes we have a license to sin? The people who are entrusting God in faith do not.. The people who have no faith in God and are either of those who think they say a prayer and magically they are saved no matter what (belief only, no repentance or faith) or those who think they have to work hard and water down the law so they fit into the law 9there faith is in self not God) and again, these people never had salvation they did not lose it.
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