Correctly Saved?
Mark 13:13
Mark 13:13
Much of the confusion is because "salvation" has come to be Christian shorthand for being found in heaven when you die. This is unbiblical. "Salvation" should be rendered "deliverance". We are saved from the penalty of sin - justified. We are saved from the power of sin - crucified. We are then able to live as God intended us to live all along - resurrected.
The "salvation of the soul" mean to be liberated from the bondages that we still have when we first receive Christ. There is no instant deliverance, as many find to their dismay. However, we can and should experience real freedom as we continue to walk the straight and narrow way that lead to life. Sadly, many Christians will not pay the required price. To be born again costs nothing. To experience the salvation of the soul costs everything. You cannot be "unborn again". So every Christian has eternal life. By definition Christians cannot die spiritually. Eternal means just that - eternal.
Each Christian faces their own, personal "Gethsemane" where their self will clashes with God's will. Personally, I've had more clashes than I like to remember. Once we come to the place where we are totally submitted to the will of God, life becomes simpler and easier. Our circumstances may not change or may even get worse. But we have the mighty power of God, His grace and His wisdom to enable us to overcome. How blessed it is to stop caring about the things of this world and the demands of self. Once we are quiet in ourselves, it becomes easy to hear the voice of God. Worry ceases and fear evaporates. It's the only way to live!
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