The text does not say that light was created for the first time on “Day” Four. The text Literally reads “Let be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens.” In other words, “Let the Lights in the sky be seen.”
Support scripture:
He made the moon for seasons; the sun knows its going down. You put darkness, and it is night; in it all the forest animals creep. The young lions roar for prey, and to seek their food from God. The sun rises; they are gathered, and go to their dens to lie down. Man goes out to his work, and to his labor until the evening. (Psalm 104:19-23)
Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you stars of light. Praise Him, O heavens of heavens; and O waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of Jehovah; for He commanded, and they were created. And He established them forever and ever; He gave a decree that they not pass away. (Psalm 148:3-6)
To Him who made great lights; for His mercy endures forever; the sun to rule by day; for His mercy endures forever; the moon and the stars to rule by night; for His mercy endures forever; (Psalm 136:7-9)