There is no such thing as being able to look at the evidence without bias, it's just not possible. While I'm very glad that your faith hasn't been weakened by theistic evolutionary beliefs, there are plenty of Christians who have, to the point where they no longer believe and are some of the most rabid and hateful atheists out there. Evolution/old-age creation beliefs etc. have proven to be major stumbling blocks. If we can't believe what God says at the beginning of His Word, why should we believe any of it?
Well, I'm sorry, but those are some pretty weak Christians, if you ask me. They certainly didn't have strong faith in Jesus. And you know WHY they fell away? They've been taught that if they don't "take God at His word," literally and completely, then they DON'T have faith, they CAN'T be Christians, and that they would be backslidden, rebellious scum of the excommunicated (I use that term as a hyperbole). I personally know a man who rejected Christianity all together because he went on an internship to Japan, and questioned eternal hell for those who haven't heard - and he thought since he MUST accept that doctrine to be a "good, Bible-believing Christian," then he just said "Aw, screw the whole thing then." What is worse - demanding someone to believe a meaningless, side doctrine, or them leaving the faith over it? Teaching that one must accept every very verse literally and exactly a certain way IS a stumbling block, in and of itself. It causes those in a stage of doubt and questioning to throw the baby out with the bath water.
Also, why separate faith and real world issues? That's the problem, yes? But God is Lord of all, yes? Lord of every part of your life? Faith is a real world issue, especially for that of a Christian. Millions of Christians believe it, so it must be true? You seriously can't tell me you take that stance.
Faith is about things unseen. You can't scientifically prove that praying is beneficial - you do it because you have faith that it will be. You can't prove the existence of angels - you have faith that they exist, because it is written. What we are SUPPOSED to be talking about in this thread is the evidence for YEC or OEC that is TANGIBLE and TESTABLE - another words, scientific. I separate what I believe by faith from the tangible things that I agree with unbelievers on.
Well, at the Council of Nicaea, the canon was chosen by a vote. Simply because a majority of people there chose them, that makes them inspired (if you want to use the truth-is-not-popular argument)? How come Christians deciding what we believe are exempt from having biases and agendas, but Christians today are accused of that if they do the very same thing (being selective)?
The Gospel of Judas? Come on, get real! That's Gnostic rubbish. The Bible canon was brought together by godly men inspired by the Holy Spirit. To suggest man decided in the long-term, is wrong. Finally, as a Christian I believe you should look at your faith from all facets, not just a historical perspective. If you really do take the historical perspective, and believe evolution is a viable understanding of the world in which we live, why don't you read the Book of Genesis as plain history? That's the context in which it was written!
The bold part: That is a faith issue. You believe that by faith. And that's fine. However, I tend believe that if Christians are sinners as well, and tainted by sin (this includes Gospel writers, OT writers, etc) then that would influence their ability to understand the Holy Spirit fully and accurately. I believe learning about God is a progressive thing, that didn't stop with the book of Revelation. So, yes, learning about God will be a life-long process for me - I likely will never close the case on most of my doctrines. But isn't that how it should be? Isn't humility in part about realizing you probably don't know everything, and could be prone to MISUNDERSTANDING what you think you already know (like the religious leaders of Jesus' day not understanding the Scriptures)? I believe we're bad people, not just based on Scripture, but EVIDENCE: wars, disputes, abuse, violence, tyranny, etc. I don't exempt ANYONE from acting with bias when it comes to political and religious issues, because we're all the same.