Hey James57, Wanted to post both your posts and comment. My mind works somewhat differently than yours so here is mho interspersed in your 2 posts....
Who is blaming the gospel of grace for how a carnal man walks?
Do you believe it I not possible for a person who understands grace to as a one time event sleep with someone?
Is it not possible for someone who understands grace ever to give into the flesh?
Do you and grace not believe all of Paul's life he could not do the good he wanted to do, but rather what he hated to do, the evil he did not want to do he kept on doing. Paul was sold as a slave to sin all of his christian life.
If you believe Tha of Paul who understood grace would you not believe someone else who understands grace would find it impossible to do Tha which he knows he should not do-even once?
There are two types of sin
One type is the sin you commit because you cannot be perfect in the flesh. You are a work in progress as a christian all your life.
2 types of sin? I just know sin as sin is sin is sin. Jesus blood washes all sin the same., doesn't need more blood for some and less for others. It's all the same. We cannot ever be perfect in the flesh and we are each day being transformed into the image of Christ.
You can be led of the holy spirit in the truth of the Gospel message and still sin( though it would be blasphemy to believe the holy spirit would lead you to commit sin) gal 2:15-18 explains this.
However, there is wilfull, deliberate sin when we choose to step outside of being a work in progress and do not follow after the holy spirit I the truth of the Gospel message. The two must be viewed very differently.
Can't see how we can see these sins as different since all sin is sin is sin. I must put before you James57 that the point of grace discussion for me is that grace is undeserved unmerited love favor forgiveness. Where there is sin, grace does much more abound. But also, it must be said that a Christian who is looking for a loophole to sin is not walking in grace. That there is a carnal Christian who is seeking to sin. There is something wrong here.
As was mentioned before --- what grace preaching teacher or Christian adheres to sin all you want for you are able to use Jesus blood to cover your sins so yiiippppeeee lets be sinning and show our appreciation for Jesus great awesome gift by sinning??? No no that is not the mindset of a Christian who understands the sacrifice and the sin that was paid for. no.no., that is not a man who understands grace.,or appreciates it properly.
I sleep with a married woman who has three children. Her husband leaves her because of it. The children now do not have their father living with then because of their actions. You can say i should simply repent by having a change of heart, but few would agree with that view. In my spirit I couldn't, and most seem to think I promote a licence to sin!
A carnal Christian does not understand grace. For that man is seeking to ruin a marriage and family. That man is not walking as Christ walks. That man is NOT even SEEING to walk as Christ walks. That man does not love others as Christ has loved him. That man is carnal., and the carnal mind is enmity with God., it does not understand what grace in the life means for the Christian. And I have to say that man is NOT an example of a person who is walking in the fullness of his salvation. He is walking according to his flesh. That guy is not joyful., not content.,not walking out his salvation with all seriousness or sober mindedness.
Grace is not even a working thought in his mind since ----Grace TEACHES HOW to live soberly righteously and godly IN THIS PRESENT WORLD. That man is not learning how to live soberly,righteously and godly at all..,
Please., let's not blame the Gospel of grace and truth that Jesus brought for how a carnal man is walking., for that carnal Christian (if he is a Christian) is not open to being taught 'grace' in the life. He is still walking according to his flesh and the Bible tells us to be sober., be vigilant for your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.... THAT man is 'devour able' and open to many consequences for his sinning. He will lose his joy, lose his mind in confusion, will also lose his health by being open to diseases this sort of lifestyle brings. satan hates humans but he especially hates the foolish Christian who is a son and is acting like a pig. satan has a field day with such Christians. And those sort of Christians are the ones people point to as examples of grace. Totally wrong. People like that are just like Christians who are walking as cowards., or walking in jealousy., or easily angered, or prideful, or condemning... or envying or drunk, or causing disputes and dissensions and factions.
No., those people do not know about grace for if they did they would be walking accordingly.
When you are led by the spirit you are not under lawGal5:18
That must be read in context I hope my two examples show that