This is an interesting response and causes me to think a particular way.
Jesus is the Unique One and Only Son of God. Some versions or translations of the Bible say that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son Of God. I don't know that I have ever said that I have been filled with God. But I do believe that if I am a true believer the Spirit of God dwells in me.
Jesus is the Unique One and Only Son of God. Some versions or translations of the Bible say that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son Of God. I don't know that I have ever said that I have been filled with God. But I do believe that if I am a true believer the Spirit of God dwells in me.
I don't believe that Jesus is playing a role.
Jesus WAS, in the days of his flesh, fully human (even to the point of being TEMTPED in every respect AS WE ARE). He IS NOW in Heaven as a glorified HUMAN, as WE WILL BE, since we'll be like him in that time. (1 john 3:2).
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