In all sincerity, I cannot understand why many are so fixated with ‘’the ten commandments’’ as it were. That term speaks of an external law engraved in stone. The new covenant is very different to that. The core foundation upon which the new covenant stands is twofold, there is no new covenant without both:
This is the covenant I will make with them
after that time, says the Lord.
I will put my laws in their hearts,
and I will write them on their minds.”[b]
17 Then he adds:
“Their sins and lawless acts
I will remember no more.
Note which comes first. The law God wants you to follow is written in your mind once you come into the covenant. In other words, you instinctively in your mind know the basics of how God wants you to live. So you don’t need to fixate on an external written down law do you. If something is in my mind, I don’t have to read up, focus on something external to me and look to it, so I may try to follow it. The law is also in your heart. Meaning, in your heart you want to live as God desires you to live. Some say if you remove righteousness of obeying the law, you give a believer a licence to sin. That is utterly impossible for the born again Christian who has the law in their heart and mind. For though righteousness of obeying the law is removed, you in your heart, still want to follow what has been placed there. I believe I am righteous, from first to last by faith in Christ, not obeying the law, but at the same time, I could never believe that gives me a licence to live as I like. And when we fail, as we all do, our conscience will be seered, and we will have no rest and no peace until we come before your heavenly Father and tell him we are sorry for our folly, only then will we get your peace back.
The penalty of sin was removed, for Christ died for our sins, but you only get a saviour from sin, because the holy, just and righteous law God wants you to follow are now a part of the person you are. And they will never be removed form your most inward parts. And in that fact a licence to sin is removed from the born again believer, in whom dwells the Holy Spirit. God is not stupid, he made a perfect covenant, there are no holes in it
People who insist you must obey the ten commandments if you want to attain to heaven should consider Matthew7:2
The measure you use to judge others will be used to judge you.
Paul said the ten commandments are the letter that kills, the ministry of death and condemnation. If anyone thinks they fully obey the letter of the ten commandments they do not understand what that letter demands
This is the covenant I will make with them
after that time, says the Lord.
I will put my laws in their hearts,
and I will write them on their minds.”[b]
17 Then he adds:
“Their sins and lawless acts
I will remember no more.
Note which comes first. The law God wants you to follow is written in your mind once you come into the covenant. In other words, you instinctively in your mind know the basics of how God wants you to live. So you don’t need to fixate on an external written down law do you. If something is in my mind, I don’t have to read up, focus on something external to me and look to it, so I may try to follow it. The law is also in your heart. Meaning, in your heart you want to live as God desires you to live. Some say if you remove righteousness of obeying the law, you give a believer a licence to sin. That is utterly impossible for the born again Christian who has the law in their heart and mind. For though righteousness of obeying the law is removed, you in your heart, still want to follow what has been placed there. I believe I am righteous, from first to last by faith in Christ, not obeying the law, but at the same time, I could never believe that gives me a licence to live as I like. And when we fail, as we all do, our conscience will be seered, and we will have no rest and no peace until we come before your heavenly Father and tell him we are sorry for our folly, only then will we get your peace back.
The penalty of sin was removed, for Christ died for our sins, but you only get a saviour from sin, because the holy, just and righteous law God wants you to follow are now a part of the person you are. And they will never be removed form your most inward parts. And in that fact a licence to sin is removed from the born again believer, in whom dwells the Holy Spirit. God is not stupid, he made a perfect covenant, there are no holes in it
People who insist you must obey the ten commandments if you want to attain to heaven should consider Matthew7:2
The measure you use to judge others will be used to judge you.
Paul said the ten commandments are the letter that kills, the ministry of death and condemnation. If anyone thinks they fully obey the letter of the ten commandments they do not understand what that letter demands
The NT does not every disparage the Ten Commandments and Jesus makes it very clear that the NT does not do away with them either.
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