I appreciate everything you have said and the seeming expression of honesty with which it was stated. And, at the risk of sounding redundant - as a believer myself - I choose not to ATTACK other believers. If they are a part of the family of faith, I want to help them understand, yes. Answer their questions in kindness, yes. Provide information that may benefit them to the increase of their faith, certainly. And no doubt - there is without question - some scientific discoveries that validate scripture. This information is without question edifying to believers. Further, I certainly understand that as believers we are called to stand up for what is right, earnestly contend for the faith, and to expose the works of darkness. I agree with all of that and work to live accordingly. My disappointment was with HOW some folks were posturing themselves AGAINST OTHERS - others who may be weak in the faith, babies in Christ, the walking wounded, etc.
As a war-time veteran, I was trained to NEVER leave a fallen comrade behind. It seems, too many times in the Christian community, not only are they left behind BUT WE SHOOT THEM! NOTHING LIKE SHOOTING YOUR OWN WOUNDED! BUT, WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY! The point I am trying to make, and maybe not doing a very good job at it, is that there are so many wounded and hurting soldiers in the trenches of life - folks just trying to figure out what it’s all about - it seems everyone would be better off if we went down in the trenches to HELP THEM instead of entertaining heated debates that no one will win anyway. Having said that, I am open to any information you would like to provide me that will be edifying to my faith. Thanks for listening.