Faulty human logic. A better analogy would be, "He who takes his medication and washes it down with water will be made well, but he who does not take his medication will remain sick."
Of course it's the medication that makes one well and not the water, but it logically follows that we wash the medication down with water. If no water is available and you take the medication dry, you will still be made well BECAUSE OF THE MEDICATION.
It's the same with water baptism. It logically follows that we get water baptized after we believe and are saved, but if no water is available (particularly due to a death bed conversion) you will still be saved because you BELIEVE which is in harmony with Mark 16:16(b); John 3:18; Acts 10:43; 13:39; 16:31 etc..
Of course it's the medication that makes one well and not the water, but it logically follows that we wash the medication down with water. If no water is available and you take the medication dry, you will still be made well BECAUSE OF THE MEDICATION.
It's the same with water baptism. It logically follows that we get water baptized after we believe and are saved, but if no water is available (particularly due to a death bed conversion) you will still be saved because you BELIEVE which is in harmony with Mark 16:16(b); John 3:18; Acts 10:43; 13:39; 16:31 etc..
Jesus states, "whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned".
You read this to mean that baptism is not needed to be saved? And I am using faulty human logic?
There is no other way to describe your comment other then willful ignorance.
The latter part of the verse does not address who will be saved but who are condemned. Unbelief is being in a state of condemnation. Believing and being baptized is the state of salvation. This is plainly what the verse means.
"Even as He spoke, many believed in Him. To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said 'If you hold to my teachings you are truly my disciples'. John 8:30-31
Jesus is calling for both belief and the holding to His teaching as being His disciple. You can label "holding to His teaching" as a work but never the less it is necessary to be a disciple.
Jesus' omission of baptism eight words after His affirmation of baptism does not negate the affirmation. In other words, the lack of a negative does not prove a positive. This is your "faulty human logic".
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