BOTH parties are corrupt to the core. When Jesus returns he'll throw all of them out on to the streets.
No. Jesus Christ will reward all those who fought against abortion-killing, sodomy, gender-mutilation ("transgenderism") etc. And of course Good Christians who do oppose those things do it in Love for Christ's sake, and for the genuine good of people. It is a great sin to lie and tell a boy who experiences some gender confusion that he is "really" a girl and encourage him to change his sex, as these liberal nutjobs do; a decision he may regret for life after he does it. And similarly to lie to women and even young girls and tell them to "become" men, which no one can really do anyway, but only amounts to mutilating one's genitals and oneself. Even those who actually get confused by the liberals are arguably less guilty than those liberals who encourage such confusion.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Gen 1:27). God created us male and female.
On the other hand, He will punish those who said killing children is fine and went on supporting it and died unrepentant.
This false idea that conservativism and liberalism are both equal or that it is somehow good to be "neutral" between them is totally wrong. Liberals are maybe -99% (basically all-in) in supporting grave evils like these. Conservatives may be at most a little weak or imperfect, but they on the whole vote against the bad legislation most of the time. They may be like +95% good, and there may be some areas where they could be stronger. Yet, between +95% and -99% there is no comparison. As someone said earlier on, voting for abortion, sodomy, gender mutilation is a grave sin and we shouldn't.
And neither should we be neutral between it and say it's all one and the same or "they're all equally bad" or some other false sophism like that. No, it isn't. We should oppose the evils and support any good person who promises to end or limit it.
Dems currently are...
1. Pushing for trans rights in school. Girls are changing in one bathroom in one school and the "trans" kid has the entire locker room.
2. Have called parents terrorists and wrote the DOJ over it because parents were standing up for their kids. One girl was sexually assulted by a trans kid, the father was arrested for standing up against it.
3. Are pushing trans story hour in the libraries, I cannot post that vulgur mess on here but I encourage you to look it up if you doubt me. Sexually vulgar and grooming children.
4. Pushing abortion at and stage and after birth. Abrams even stating you wouldn't have to worry about inflation if you'd stop having kids. A local pastor is on a commercial here saying vote no on 2 (ammendment) and support abortion.
5. Allowing women and children to be beaten and murdered in their streets and homes and not raising a finger to stop it, in fact allowing criminals out almost as soon as they go in. Unless it's Paul Pelosi of course. Defunded and demoralized police to the point where many retired or quit making our communities ever more vulnerable.
6. Pushed lockdowns to the point that children are so far behind they may never catch up. Not to mention the emotional issues they are coping with.
7. Forcing citizens to lose their jobs because they don't want the vax. Military, police, nurses, teachers, we are in need of all of them but these Dems will not budge while they allow thousands of illegal, unvaxxed people to flood into the country.
8. Allowing illegals to flood into the country unvetted. We have no idea who is in the country or which terrorist gained entry.
9. Not even mentioning fentyl flooding into the country, or the human sex trafficing all because of the border.
10. Continuing to spend knowing it is pushing inflation higher. Parents can't feed their children, the elderly are suffering, retired people are coming back into the work force to survive.
11. Sending gas/ heating prices through the roof, blaming Putin when we know it's their "green dream". Now on top not being able to afford to eat, they can't afford to a job they are making less at or to heat their homes.
12. Sending millions to a war that we aren't involved in, supposedly, while people can't afford to eat here at home. A war that should have started in the first place and should have negotiated for peace.
13. This should have been higher on the list. Pushing children to have life changing surgery, child abuse, wrecking young lives forever.
14. I could go further, but are pushing Marxists beliefs and doing all they can to tear the nuclear family apart.
So please spare me the
about Republicans and anything they do.
Agreed 100%. Well said.
God Bless.