Wheat harvest
barley harvest
grape harvest
factor in the grapes.
calm down first
It's just passion brother.
BOOM, you get it here, I think.
When you see those who talk about First-fruits are this or that and prove this or that, most don't understand each of those harvests you just mentioned have "First-fruits", both the grain and fruit harvests and later on the grain harvests will have chaff that must be sifted at the Barley Harvest as well as at the Wheat Harvest. Then a worker would blow away the chaff when it rises to the top, likewise, God blows away the chaff when its harvest time.
There is an interesting dynamic with the harvests that show us that one is not meant for the tribulation at all. Both grains and fruits experience a "time of separation". Mature barley using a sort of winnowing process, workers using a fan or fork throw the barley into the wind so the wind can separate the chaff from the grain. Meanwhile mature wheat goes through a time of separation or crushing which some call a threshing. using a "TRIBULUM", a wooden board with holes in it which oxen pulled, thrashers stand on the boards as they are being pulled over the grain, causing the gran to be separated from the chaff (husks).
Now the sifting begins because small husks and/or small pebbles may still be in the grain. They shake the grain and the chaff rises to the top. The Churh will be "SHAKEN" before judgment day. Amen. Last the grapes must be treaded, using a Wine-press. So, there, in a nutshell, ate the three main Harvests.
The Barley Harvest comes first.
The Barley Harvest represents those on fire for Jesus Christ who live completely sanctified lives, we are the first phase of the Harvest of souls who participate in the 1st Resurrection. Some will be resurrected dead and some raptured alive (but we die as we are raptured, of course) as 1 Cor. 15 and 1 Thess. 4 tells us.
These "OVERCOMERS" have been harvested by the winnowing process, which means they did not need to be harvested by using a "TRIBULUM" (Latin word we get Tribulation from). n other words the Barley Harvest will not go through the 7 Year Tribulation Period of which the last 3.5 years is great distress or great trouble.
The Wheat Harvest
Now this does indeed include the Jews and all other believers, the problem is Satan is going to kill all the Gentile believers, that's the point I was making last night, there will be no Elect to gather up, only Israel and the Dead Souls who will live and reign with Jesus for 1000 years. (there may be a few, but the point is ONLY Israel gets protected, and this the Anti-Christ will kill them all, I mean 1.5 billion to 2 billion people). Thus Israel will be the Wheat that REMAINS with the Tares until the very end.
Of course, it's irrelevant as per it being germane, even if the 144,000 are technically harvested before the grapes, we know this is referring to the Second Resurrection Harvest in a 1000 years, not the Wheat and Tare Harvest. The CHAFF gets blown away first, then the Wheat is harvested, that's my point. Now the grape Harvest is indeed last, but that only means the wicked are judged in a 1000 years. Burnt up. Since the Wheat is Israel, and God separates the chaff, I have to assume that chaff is the 2/3 Jews who refuse to repent. The Barley chaff is those who claimed to be Christians but are not. And the grape harvest is the wicked, not the chaff. But I need to study it more. I was looking at some old notes. I kind of confused myself for a minute

. (I had forgotten about the tribulum, meaning tribulation in the English).
I used to know this in-depth, I need to go back over it, but overall, like I have been saying here Rev. 14 is the Harvest Chapter. It shows us ALL THREE HARVESTS. We just have to understand the Barley Harvest comes first (Rapture) even though it's in verse 14 because it's a flashback.