You yourself are wrong on this Rondonmon! The wheat is not just speaking about Israel, but about the Gentile saints who are still alive when the Lord returns to the earth to end the age. In support of this, Matthew 24:31 states that the angels will go throughout the four corners of the earth and will gather the elect, which is referring to those Gentile saints from every nation, people, tribe, and language.
Rev. 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in
fine linen, white and clean.
Rev. 19:8 says the FINE LINEN is the Righteousness of the Saints, So, we are in Heaven and return with Jesus Christ. Jesus will indeed gather up THE ELECT, but Seal #5 (which is prophesying about the soon to come 42 months of Beast rule) says the Saints will be killed, and Jesus (prophesying FORWARD) tells them they have to wait until the Beasts 42-month rule is finished before they can get their vengeance, So let's just say it in plain speak. Jesus says that all the Gentile Saints must be killed before he returns, now might there be a few that dodge for 3.5 years? Yea, but I am speaking in General, the Gentile Church are not the Wheat because we get Raptured, and the Remnant [Gentile] Church of Rev. 12:17 all get killed after the Dragon sends the Anti-Christ after the Remnant, who can't be Jews, they can only be Gentiles.
Those Gentiles you are thinking of will be RAISED from the Dead and Judged (Rev. 20:4) then they will serve Jesus on this earth for 1000 years.
The reason I'm never wrong is that I'm always right. {

} Just kidding, after you popped the whip in me. I'm like Foonzzie, I can't say the word Wrrrrrrrrr wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wrr. (Happy Days reference, you might not know that one, oh well.)
These are those whom the beast will be given authority to make war against and to conquer them for 42 months, which is that last 3 1/2 years as revealed in Rev.13:5-7. The saints that he makes war against and conquers is speaking of the following who survive during the tribulation.
And that's the point, the Beast can indeed GET AT THEM, they will all die, the Jews are protected for 1260 days. So, when Jesus gathers up the Elect, in Matthew 24 it's speaking from a Jewish perspective only, he's going to gather up those whom he will rule with from Jerusalem, the Wheat. The Gentiles are not the wheat. They are supposed to be in the Rapture, those who make it do so by laying down their lives for Christ. Jesus came to the House of Israel only, he was not prophesying about any other elect. He allowed Paul to give light on the Rapture, so why would he basically not spell out the Rapture, but then he would prophesy about a Gentile Elect? Those Elect he gathers are Jews, the Gentiles are killed off by the Beast.
"After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."
The fact that they are from ever nation, tribe, people and language, makes them Gentile saints, i.e. the great tribulation saints. According to the parable of the wheat and weeds, the weeds are gathered first, then the wheat is brought into His barn, i.e. into the millennial kingdom.
You just cited a Scripture that shows the Church Age Saints in Heaven. If you guys would just look at the 5th Seal prophecy by Jesus AND Rev. 20:4 you would see that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the 70th-week saints to be in Heaven BEFORE Jesus returns. FULL STOP, think it through brother. ITS IMPOSIBLE that those you just cited are 70th week Saints, I have to you this before but you just brush it off, I have THE RECEIPTS.
Jesus clearly says that those under the Altar have to wait until ALL TE BROTHERS have been killed in like manner before they can get their vengeance. PLAIN SPEAK. Jesus just told these 70th-week Martyrs they could get NO VENGEANCE until the Beast's 42-month murder and mayhem rule was over. (That is exactly what it says). Then in Rev. 20:4, we see GodJeus CLEARLY only judges these Martyrs who refused the Mark of the Beast AFTER Jesus' Second Coming, so how can it be them in Heaven at that time brother? ANSWER, it's not them, those you see are the Raptured Church who came out of the 2000 some odd year GREAT CHURCH AGE TRIBULATION. Don't get hung up on one word, as in only one thing can be described as great, MANY THINGS can be used by God to describe many a varied thing as great. Jesus told us all time on this earth is tribulation, 2000 is greater than 7 or 3.5 so................2000>7. The other will not fit at all, the scriptures deny that those people seen in Rev. 7:9 can come out of the 70th week, it is not possible. AT ALL.
The church is made up of both Jew and Gentile who will all be gathered prior to the tribulation period. However, God is going to be dealing with the unbelieving nation of Israel during that time, who are under a different program. In other words, do not confuse the believing Jews of Israel who belong to the church with the unbelieving nation of Israel. It is the latter that God is going to fulfill that last seven years of the decree of seventy sevens with.
The Church is in Heaven during the 70th week, both Jew and Gentile believers. The 70th week comes, from that moment te "FLOOD STARTS" no one will make it to Heaven after that. The DOORS to the wedding will e SHUT UP, the symbolism is screaming out brother. No one makes it to the wedding for the full 7 year period, because, as Jesus said, when those doors are locked, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. What that means is this, from that point on, the only way fr the Gentiles to make heaven will be to be Martyrs. God will protect the Israeli peoples fr 1260 days, BUT WHY? Because God has promised Abraham he will have a continual seed on this earth and there are another 1000 years for Jesus to rule in Jerusalem, and Jesus will be the King of the Jews as Prophesy tells us.
The way I see it you are confusing Rev. 7:9-17 and it's throwing you off brother.
The 144,000 is not representing all of Israel! The number is just as it is stated, 144,000, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. And if you can accept it, the Male Child that the woman/Israel gives birth to is a collective name representing the 144,000. Out of the woman (unbelieving Israel) comes 144,000 believing Israelites, ergo, she gives birth to a male child. The male child is not Jesus as many have interpreted. He doesn't even fit the criteria of the male child.
No, I shan't even debate this, s per the 144,000 I can understand a push back on that even though I am correct, but the whole Re. 12 is the Church thing doesn't even arise to a debatable point with me tbh. The 144,000 is just like the Woman (Israel) in Rev. 12. God uses code words in Revelation, God never uses Israel, got uses 10 (COMPLETENESS) and 12 (FULNESS) as in 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 144,000 and we can't see what that means? So if it means 144,000 (it doesn't imho) then where are the 1/3 who repent in Zechariah 13:8-9 brother? Why dies God just so happen to never mention them in the book of Revelation?
1/3 of 15 million Jews is 5 million Jews, I don't think all will have moved to Israel by that time, so let's say they add 3 million to their 9 million, and thus 4 million Jewish/Israelites come to Christ WHERE ARE THEY AT? Now, look at where the 144,000 is at, right before the TRUMPET JUDGMENTS FALL in Rev. 8, the Seals in Rev. 6 do nothing, the Jews are fleeing Judea just before the Middle of the week 1260, AFTER having seen the 1290 which happens 30 days before that. It fits like a glove with the Jews Fleeing, and why did John/God use THE WOMAN in the place of Israel? Because God didn't want the Romans killing of the Church Members for treason, saying Israel were going to have victory in the end, so not only did He use Wman, He used 144,000.
We can see this s correct by flipping over to Zechariah 13:8-9, the Jews REPENT, then the very next verse says in Zechariah 14:1 BEHOLD the DAY of the LORD COMES. So, the Jews REpent, just before the Day of the Lord God's Wrath arrives right
Now compare Rev. 7 (Israel/144,000 flees) AND Rev. 8, (the Trumpet Judgments give us the Wrath of God). Now COMPARE Zechariah 13:8-9 and Zechariah 14:1, SAME THING, Repentenabce followed by the DOTL.
God Bless