Illegal Aliens

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Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
If you read the Bible, you'd know why Christians care for the Bible teaches that it is the obligation of every Christian to exercise their civic duty responsibly with respect to government which biblically; people have a right to form for the purpose of establishing a just rule of law to avoid the lawlessness found in anarchy.

So your entire premise that every Christian should not feel conviction over man-made laws designed to responsibly administrate their nation is false, very irresponsible, and unbiblical.

But your view also fails logically and societally. You see, in a well-functioning society, people have a material degree of homogeneity cooperating like a system of interconnected parts. Ideally they internalize this and do so because they believe it is the "right thing to do." We call this the "social contract." Though it is looking tattered these days with illegal immigration playing a material role in its deterioration, America still has a social contract.

Sociological studies show that people internalize the norms and values (e.g. social contract) of a society to the degree that a society actively imparts them. The process of this internalization is called enculturation.

You need to understand that illegal immigration completely bypasses the system designed to enculturate and imbue them with the culture and values of their new society so that they will internalize them and pass them on to their children maintaining a material degree of societal homogeneity and allowing them to join the system as an interconnected part rather than a disparate one.

This is important because if internalization and socialization fail to produce a positive social conformity, some form of “social control” is eventually needed to address the lawlessness created. Social control may take the form of ostracism, fines, punishments, deportations, and even imprisonment.

You strike me as someone who has never lived through an illegal alien invasion. I have and I can assure you that when millions of immigrants simply bypass the entire process created by our government and society to enculturate them they retain the very norms rooted in the poor performing societies they were seeking to escape from in the first place and pass those on to their children. Even their loyalties, in many cases, are not even to this country.

Where I grew up (Lost Angeles, CA), illegal immigration transformed miles of all-American blue collar neighborhoods into criminally patrolled barrios held down by street gangs that sling dope and "put in work" on the law abiding members of society and each other.

In some places, the breakdown of the social order is so complete that prison gangs control the street gangs ordering them to literally hunt other races and murder them. I kid you not.

As a result, in large portions of the Southwest United States today, gone are the civil communities that once existed and the American dream. In their place are sprawling dangerous barrios held down by criminal gangs and a new La Raza racism which preaches a seditious policy of reconquesta based upon a false history and logic.

The judicial and social safety nets are stretched to the breaking point, the governments in debt, the public education system (often despite 40% of the entire state budget and the proceeds of the lottery being allocated to it) have failed and are producing sub standard graduates. In CA, just as an example, public education fell from first in the nation to third from the bottom.

The U.S. has been partially transformed into the dysfunctional places they sought to escape from rather than them being transformed into the America they entered... an America which was a great forward-thinking, homogenous, safe, and educationally challenging one to grow up in... even right in Los Angeles County in those days.

As Teddy Roosevelt once said:

"We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America,
then he isn't doing his part as an American.

There can be no divided allegiance here. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people."

-Teddy Roosevelt.

Why should anyone care you said if they are a Christian? I can give you about a thousand reasons and 999 of them will be straight from the Bible.

AMEN, AMEN! Very good quote. I can also testify that you are absolutely right about the California Prison Gangs, running the Street Gangs from Prison. I was a Volunteer Protestant Chaplain in two different California super-max Prisons, for a total of 15 years.
Mar 28, 2014
NO, what I was saying is GOD has historically called upon armies to utterly destroy a pagan Nation when HE is fed up with there paganism or evil. I absolutely believe the USA, Britain, France, and other Nations involved were called upon by GOD to utterly destroy the Nazis in World War II, and the Japanese Forces of the Emperor who had pronounced himself to be a god.

NO SOLDIER, commits murder when he fires on an enemy in the line of duty, because he or she is acting as an arm of Government, and not acting out of personal conduct. GOD's rules for personal conduct are NOT God's rules for Governmental Conduct.

Romans 13:4 (KJV)
[SUP]4 [/SUP] For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Then the same rule would apply for terrorists....because they feel justified in what they are doing...Do you support agents of terror? Are they not acting as an arm of their government or leaders?


I know all about it. Born and raised in Los Angeles. I was almost murdered in the Watts riots while in my mother's womb because my father was driving through Watts with my mother in the car when it was peaking and they were run off the road. I'm only here out of sheer luck because police officers rounded the corner in time to save them.

I went through both astronomical crime spikes plus the Rodney riots and I don't care what the statistics say: the one in the 80's was much worse than the one in the 90's. Any OGs that survived the 80's did so because they were incarcerated.

I went to Victory Outreach for about five years and met all the movers and shakers there too including a big homie dropout or two. Oh, did I tell you I'm white... lol.

I remember MS13 when they were just long haired rockers going to metal shows around Los Angeles. My how the times have changed. Now they cut people to pieces with machetes or execute them in broad daylight with one to the dome for slinging drugs on a corner in their turf without permission as they troll up and down the streets extorting Hispanic self-employed vendors.

Illegal immigration completely changed the city I grew up in from a working class productive place where you could get a great education and do something with your life to a generational cycle of street gangs, welfare, fatherlessness, partying, and crime.

The nice clean hospital I was born in is a cheap strip mall where illegals hawk goods under the table on the sidewalk while dodging the street gangs that prey on them for extortion.

A once truly golden state that brimmed with opportunity has been materially affected in serious and material ways by illegal immigration and liberal policy. It's slowly being transformed into a state of emergency and when the government runs out of money to hand out to keep the natives quiet in one to two decades as the interest payments on their debt dominate their budgets: it's going to explode.

And once it's gone, you can't get it back.

Now days I just shake my head at the clueless deceived young liberals who tell me with such passion that illegal immigration is moral, Christian, and good for America... lolololol.

They have NO idea what they are talking about. I wish I could transport them into a neighborhood transformed by illegal immigration and watch them get surrounded, assaulted, and robbed before they reached the corner for doing nothing more than walking to the store to get a Pepsi. And it can get worse, much much worse.

I'm a Christian but I would be laughing at that as I walked over to tell the homies chale and scoop up the liberal before they really got their life wrecked.

The enormity of what I've seen and had to endure due to ignorant young white liberals in voting booths would fill a book. They're going to balkanize this country before it's over. California already wants to split into five states. Wait until the money runs out. You haven't seen anything yet. Orale!

AMEN, AMEN! Very good quote. I can also testify that you are absolutely right about the California Prison Gangs, running the Street Gangs from Prison. I was a Volunteer Protestant Chaplain in two different California super-max Prisons, for a total of 15 years.


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
What was the legal process the Europeans used to kill off the natives and put the remnants on reservations and claim the land as theirs, put up borders and laws to restrict others from a land they stole by war and blood.
they were nomads ....and yes one can argue anything....but history shows the Europeans invaded a land and killed off the inhabitants....They did the same thing in Africa it is now called South Africa....Australia...New Zealand you name it
Why do you play the race card.I am not a supporter of illegal immigrants or anything illegal all I am doing is showing one can use a certain method to gain power and when in power make that same method become illegal. Just as slavery was used...and indentured labour....It is like a policeman smoking pot in secret and going out and arresting even those who smell of pot...
So even though I do not support illegal immigration I am not condemning those who do it...they are human beings and should be treated as such...this is not a crime punishable by death .....
Fine but eh, the race card? Maybe you should take a 2nd look at your posts above, I only showed how all have sinned and there's no nationality less sinful than another.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
I know all about it. Born and raised in Los Angeles. I was almost murdered in the Watts riots while in my mother's womb because my father was driving through Watts with my mother in the car when it was peaking and they were run off the road. I'm only here out of sheer luck because police officers rounded the corner in time to save them.

I went through both astronomical crime spikes plus the Rodney riots and I don't care what the statistics say: the one in the 80's was much worse than the one in the 90's. Any OGs that survived the 80's did so because they were incarcerated.

I went to Victory Outreach for about five years and met all the movers and shakers there too including a big homie dropout or two. Oh, did I tell you I'm white... lol.

I remember MS13 when they were just long haired rockers going to metal shows around Los Angeles. My how the times have changed. Now they cut people to pieces with machetes or execute them in broad daylight with one to the dome for slinging drugs on a corner in their turf without permission as they troll up and down the streets extorting Hispanic self-employed vendors.

Illegal immigration completely changed the city I grew up in from a working class productive place where you could get a great education and do something with your life to a generational cycle of street gangs, welfare, fatherlessness, partying, and crime.

The nice clean hospital I was born in is a cheap strip mall where illegals hawk goods under the table on the sidewalk while dodging the street gangs that prey on them for extortion.

A once truly golden state that brimmed with opportunity has been materially affected in serious and material ways by illegal immigration and liberal policy. It's slowly being transformed into a state of emergency and when the government runs out of money to hand out to keep the natives quiet in one to two decades as the interest payments on their debt dominate their budgets: it's going to explode.

And once it's gone, you can't get it back.

Now days I just shake my head at the clueless deceived young liberals who tell me with such passion that illegal immigration is moral, Christian, and good for America... lolololol.

They have NO idea what they are talking about. I wish I could transport them into a neighborhood transformed by illegal immigration and watch them get surrounded, assaulted, and robbed before they reached the corner for doing nothing more than walking to the store to get a Pepsi. And it can get worse, much much worse.

I'm a Christian but I would be laughing at that as I walked over to tell the homies chale and scoop up the liberal before they really got their life wrecked.

The enormity of what I've seen and had to endure due to ignorant young white liberals in voting booths would fill a book. They're going to balkanize this country before it's over. California already wants to split into five states. Wait until the money runs out. You haven't seen anything yet. Orale!

I hear you, I experienced a lot that most people would not believe really goes on after they are incarcerated. Evil and violence is out of control, but it was prophesied to be like that in the End-Times.

Romans 1:24-32 (NKJV)
[SUP]24 [/SUP] Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
[SUP]25 [/SUP] who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
[SUP]26 [/SUP] For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
[SUP]27 [/SUP] Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
[SUP]28 [/SUP] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
[SUP]29 [/SUP] being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,
[SUP]30 [/SUP] backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[SUP]31 [/SUP] undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;
[SUP]32 [/SUP] who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 (GW)
[SUP]1 [/SUP] You must understand this: In the last days there will be violent {vicious} periods of time.
[SUP]2 [/SUP] People will be selfish and love money. They will brag, be arrogant, and use abusive language. They will curse their parents, show no gratitude, have no respect for what is holy,
[SUP]3 [/SUP] and lack normal affection for their families. They will refuse to make peace with anyone. They will be slanderous, lack self-control, be brutal, and have no love for what is good.
[SUP]4 [/SUP] They will be traitors. They will be reckless and conceited. They will love pleasure rather than God.
[SUP]5 [/SUP] They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power change them. Stay away from such people.

Revelation 9:20-21 (NKJV)
[SUP]20 [/SUP] But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk.
[SUP]21 [/SUP] And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries {pharmakeia = pharmaceuticals or drugs}
or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

Still GOD gave me the grace to pour my heart out to every individual that I talked to. One was so vile that I cannot even talk about it here, but he heard the whole plan of salvation, and a lot about the Lord, as well as the necessity of receiving HIM as LORD, which means Master. I talked to him for about 45 min., I do not know if he ever received JESUS, as he was transferred a couple weeks later; but he certainly was accountable for the truth. BUT I learned to rejoice over the few. And one of them that I discipled for nearly the entire 15 years, was the one the Officer's told me was the most violent inmate in Prison, and that he would grow old and die in his cell in the Violence Control Unit. I am quite confident, he will be standing next to me before the Throne of Grace, he actually earned a Parole (and he was a lifer), the same month that I retired.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
Fine but eh, the race card? Maybe you should take a 2nd look at your posts above, I only showed how all have sinned and there's no nationality less sinful than another.

YES, we are all as guilty and the most violent mass murderer on death row:

James 2:10 (NIV)
[SUP]10 [/SUP] For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
Then the same rule would apply for terrorists....because they feel justified in what they are doing...Do you support agents of terror? Are they not acting as an arm of their government or leaders?

New, sometimes your come backs are unbelievably lacking in common sense, and I know you are intelligent.

1 John 5:19 (NIV)
[SUP]19 [/SUP] We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

I believe the ONLY THING keeping this country or yours from becoming totally under the control of the evil one, is the Holy Spirit in the hearts of true believers, especially Politicians that are genuine Christians. BUT WATCH how fast it gets totally rotten once Christ calls all true believers out of this earth to go the Wedding of the Lamb.

Should we negotiate with Islamic Terrorist? NO, because they believe to deceive an enemy into lowering his guard, makes you a Hero to Allah. I just pray our troops shoot straighter and faster than the enemy.
Mar 28, 2014
Fine but eh, the race card? Maybe you should take a 2nd look at your posts above, I only showed how all have sinned and there's no nationality less sinful than another.
And I have stated facts at a national is you who said evil white man...Did the invaders not come from Europe or not?


There were about 4 million Native Americans in all of North America which is 9,540,000 square miles large before Columbus (e.g. estimates range from a low of 2.1 million [see Ubelaker 1976] to 7 million people [see Russell Thornton]).

Today there are over 565 million people in North America.

Given the extremely low density of people to land, there was PLENTY of room and natural resources for people immigrating to North America. They didn't jump over a fence and force Native Americans to pay them welfare while their kids set up drug dealing criminal street gangs.

Read: U.S. Citizens Deserve the United States ~ Help Fix America First

And I have stated facts at a national is you who said evil white man...Did the invaders not come from Europe or not?
Mar 28, 2014
New, sometimes your come backs are unbelievably lacking in common sense, and I know you are intelligent.

1 John 5:19 (NIV)
[SUP]19 [/SUP] We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

I believe the ONLY THING keeping this country or yours from becoming totally under the control of the evil one, is the Holy Spirit in the hearts of true believers, especially Politicians that are genuine Christians. BUT WATCH how fast it gets totally rotten once Christ calls all true believers out of this earth to go the Wedding of the Lamb.

Should we negotiate with Islamic Terrorist? NO, because they believe to deceive an enemy into lowering his guard, makes you a Hero to Allah. I just pray our troops shoot straighter and faster than the enemy.
you can't have different rules for different people in the same game no matter what you think of them.....if both our brothers were killers should our brothers be less guilty to us because they are our brothers and more guilty to the other who are not their brother...until we learn to love our enemies, to be just , honest and fair in all things we have not learned Christ...I pray God gives me the strength not to lift my hands against man because he is my enemy...Flesh and blood is not my enemy but God is my defence....
Mar 28, 2014
There were about 4 million Native Americans in all of North America which is 9,540,000 square miles large before Columbus (e.g. estimates range from a low of 2.1 million [see Ubelaker 1976] to 7 million people [see Russell Thornton]).

Today there are over 565 million people in North America.

Given the extremely low density of people to land, there was PLENTY of room and natural resources for people immigrating to North America. They didn't jump over a fence and force Native Americans to pay them welfare while their kids set up drug dealing criminal street gangs.

Read: U.S. Citizens Deserve the United States ~ Help Fix America First
So now what was taken by force is being taken by force


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
you can't have different rules for different people in the same game no matter what you think of them.....if both our brothers were killers should our brothers be less guilty to us because they are our brothers and more guilty to the other who are not their brother...until we learn to love our enemies, to be just , honest and fair in all things we have not learned Christ...I pray God gives me the strength not to lift my hands against man because he is my enemy...Flesh and blood is not my enemy but God is my defence....

AND our Second Amendment rights (the right to own and bare arms for self-defense) come from the teaching of JESUS.

So no, thieves definitely do not want to break into my house to steal. In the dark I would have to consider him armed and dangerous. YES, I am a Christian, and YES, I am a member of the NRA.

Luke 22:36 (ASV)
[SUP]36 [/SUP] And he said unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a wallet; and he that hath none, let him sell his cloak, and buy a sword.

The sword was used for personal protection in the time of Christ, just like firearms are used today.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
How many people here have ever watched a program about the ILLEGAL ALIEN problems on our Southern Border, called "BORDER WARS", by the National Geographic Channel? The Mexican Gangs smuggle in humans, as well as Drugs. AND THEY KILL EACH OTHER in Turf wars. This short video may wake you up to how dangerous the illegal border crossings has become. Apparently an enemy GANG or the Mexican Military opened fire on a gang member attempting to smuggle in drugs by swimming across:

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After the hominids expired, the land was VERY sparsely populated by primitive pagan tribes that lived their lives warring and enslaving each other. Their biggest problem when the Europeans arrived was they had no natural immune system resistance to diseases originating in domesticated cattle. The reason for this was they had no cattle, horses, etc... All they had in the Americas before Europeans was the llama.

What's the point of all this you might be asking. The point is that they died off en masse from disease leaving the land practically vacant. For example, Native American populations in the American Southwest plummeted by a staggering 90 percent if not more.

If you'll remember, there were only about 4 million people in all of North America before that. In other words, there was almost no one on 9,540,000 square miles of virgin land.

Now I realize that you're a historically ignorant person, but even you should be able to comprehend what happens when large swaths of property becomes vacant due to the death of the previous owner. Yes, that's right, new owners take possession of it... which is exactly what Native Americans themselves did after their predecessor species in the genus Homo.

And as you can see from the scientific literature, there's a whole lot of reassessing occurring right now with respect to early migration to the Americas: Ancient migration: Coming to America : Nature News & Comment which is being echoed in the popular science oriented literature: "Great Surprise"—Native Americans Have West Eurasian Origins

Yet you assert that criminal illegal aliens breaking into a densely populated modern civilized country and living off the welfare of others while they establish criminal networks and also racist immigrant networks that block existing citizens from entire industries they have taken material control is justified because two wrongs, in your mind, equal a right even though one of those wrongs isn't nearly as wrong as you think it is in your ignorance.

Read books instead of making ignorant childish posts.

So now what was taken by force is being taken by force


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
Facts: Border Wars Going Underground

  • Since Mexican president Felipe Calderon started his ‘war on drugs’ after taking office in 2006, 23,000 people have been killed in violence caused by illegal drug and migrant-smuggling gangs battling for power.
  • The city of Juarez has one of the highest murder rates in the world, with over 3000 killed in 2010.
  • CBP regularly apprehends so-called ‘imposters’, people who attempt to use false documents or who do not own the documents with which they attempt to pass through customs.
  • Contrary to popular belief, a large number of those considered illegal in the U.S did not enter by crossing the border illegally. As many as 45% of illegal immigrants in the U.S entered with a legal visa, such as a tourist visa, and decided not to return to their country of origin.
  • To prevent contraband and undocumented immigrants from entering the U.S., CBP officers must be able to enter confined spaces such as tunnels and storm drains. They undergo special confined space entry training to be able to work in those spaces - which often come with severely dangerous and possibly lethal conditions such as toxic air quality, engulfment hazards and physical dangers.
  • To prevent drug smuggling and detect concealed illegal immigrants inside vehicles, the U.S CBP employs over 800 canine teams.
  • A dog has more than 220 million olfactory receptors in its nose, while humans have only 5 million, making dogs more sensitive to smell than humans.
  • Beyond the common ports of entry, in order to prevent smugglers and illegal immigrants from crossing the border, Border Patrol agents are supported by Huey helicopters which point the ground agents in the right direction. The Huey helicopter is the most widely used military helicopter, and was used in the Vietnam War for medical evacuations, air assaults, and command and control.
  • As many as 230 cities in the U.S. have Mexican drug cartels operating in them. They control most of the heroin, marijuana, and meth markets and about 90 percent of the cocaine market in the U.S.
  • Mexican drug tunnels are sometimes surprisingly sophisticated and can include electricity and cart systems. With their extensive capital, drug lords can afford to hire experienced engineers to help build their tunnels.
  • Drug trafficking across the border is a federal offense. A first offense penalty in the U.S. for smuggling over 5kg of cocaine or over 1000kg of marijuana is at least 10 years, up to life in prison. A second offense will lead to at least 20 years in prison. After two or more prior violations, the penalty is life imprisonment.
  • To bypass CBP, drug smugglers have begun using increasingly creative methods to reach their goals. They have been found to use catapults to launch drugs over the border, using unassuming suspects to smuggle the drugs such as the elderly and children, and even bribing customs agents.

Facts: Border Wars Going Underground | National Geographic Channel

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Mar 28, 2014
Yet you assert that criminal illegal aliens breaking into a densely populated modern civilized country and living off the welfare of others while they establish criminal networks and also racist immigrant networks that block existing citizens from entire industries they have taken material control is justified because two wrongs, in your mind, equal a right even though one of those wrongs isn't nearly as wrong as you think it is in your ignorance.
You are asserting that I am asserting or justifying something which I am not...what you are seeing is a chain reaction, social warfare, You see through a different pair of specs....The same way you look at those people is the same way the early settlers were looked upon by the natives....The main difference is back then there were no laws to say what was being done was wrong. You see it as your territory being invaded....another man see it differently...He thinks you are on his turf. I am not taking sides but sometimes in order to see the big picture you have to look at it from all sides.
Jun 18, 2014
You are asserting that I am asserting or justifying something which I am not...what you are seeing is a chain reaction, social warfare, You see through a different pair of specs....The same way you look at those people is the same way the early settlers were looked upon by the natives....The main difference is back then there were no laws to say what was being done was wrong. You see it as your territory being invaded....another man see it differently...He thinks you are on his turf. I am not taking sides but sometimes in order to see the big picture you have to look at it from all sides.
Just so you know, I've been saying that to him for months. He can't.


Charles Manson, Hitler, and the Night Stalker believe what they did is justified. What side am I supposed to look at that justifies what they did because what they did is unjustifiable.

You can fabricate false "justifications" for what they did but your justifications would be in error for what they did is, in reality, unjustifiable.

Likewise, illegal aliens are not justified in illegally entering the U.S.. regardless of what they, you, or anyone else feels or thinks about it.

Just because you've fallen into the philosophical error relativism doesn't mean I'm going to. I can "look at all sides" and choose the correct one.

You are asserting that I am asserting or justifying something which I am not...what you are seeing is a chain reaction, social warfare, You see through a different pair of specs....The same way you look at those people is the same way the early settlers were looked upon by the natives....The main difference is back then there were no laws to say what was being done was wrong. You see it as your territory being invaded....another man see it differently...He thinks you are on his turf. I am not taking sides but sometimes in order to see the big picture you have to look at it from all sides.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
You are asserting that I am asserting or justifying something which I am not...what you are seeing is a chain reaction, social warfare, You see through a different pair of specs....The same way you look at those people is the same way the early settlers were looked upon by the natives....The main difference is back then there were no laws to say what was being done was wrong. You see it as your territory being invaded....another man see it differently...He thinks you are on his turf. I am not taking sides but sometimes in order to see the big picture you have to look at it from all sides.

NO, I see it obeying the laws or BREAKING THE LAWS.

1 Peter 2:13-15 (NKJV)
[SUP]13 [/SUP] Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme,
[SUP]14 [/SUP] or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good.
[SUP]15 [/SUP] For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men--


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2014
If the government changed the law, and allowed all immigrants in without checks, would you support the law of the land, or oppose it?

This argument is foolishness itself.

We are called to obey the law, not hold opinions about it.

Immigration laws have no bearing on moral right and wrong, and we should hold to whatever law is in place, and agree with whatever enforcement is in place,
whether weak or strong enforcement.
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