i am an agnostic, basically meaning i don't believe we can know whether there is a god or not, but for the most part i live my life like an atheist. below i will list a few questions i would like answered to better understand where you all are coming from, and feel free to ask me anything too. (this is a repost, i was told it would fit better here)
1) how did you convert to christianity or were you christian since childhood?
2) what is your opinion on the LGBT community?
3) what is your opinion on atheists?
4) have you ever questioned your faith?
5) do you believe media like harry potter or pokemon to be problematic? why or why not?
1) how did you convert to christianity or were you christian since childhood?
2) what is your opinion on the LGBT community?
3) what is your opinion on atheists?
4) have you ever questioned your faith?
5) do you believe media like harry potter or pokemon to be problematic? why or why not?
1) how did you convert to Christianity or were you Christian since childhood?
This is a loaded question. You will here everything under the SUN on this question. It should not be this way but it is nevertheless true.
A person being a Christian from childhood, is very unlikely, regardless of what they say. It could happen but again, not likely. If someone says that they are a Christian from Childhood - what they are more likely saying, is they grew up in a Christian household and have always been religious. A religious person (Goes to church, reads the Bible and sings hymns), does not indicate a true believer, any more than the Pharisees or Scribes of Jesus day were. They were very religious and very wrong! A true believer - believes the God and the Christ of the Bible as revealed in the Bible. Religionist, have had the wrong idea about God and Jesus the Christ for centuries because of manmade doctrines.
As to my conversion and what part did I play. Well... I did the sin 'in and God did the sav 'in. I was going along, much like yourself it would seem, perfectly happy in my sinful nature and building my material kingdom... when God, at some point... Regenerated me and out of nowhere I gained a hunger for the Word of God. This drew me to His Son - Jesus Christ, my Savior. It took years of study, after that, to come to understand what and how that had happened.
2) what is your opinion on the LGBT community?
My opinion on the subject does not matter because I have no authority on moral standards. God sets the Moral High Ground. So what says the Scriptures? It is a sin and an abomination before God. See for yourself what God says:
Rom 1:24- 27 Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves: for that they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
3) what is your opinion on atheists?
Again, my opinion does not matter. However, Scripture says there is no such thing. Again, read what the Scripture says:
Rom 1:18 - 22 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness; because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them. For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse: because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
Every human being knows there is a God - Even I knew that when I was in my sinful bliss. I just didn't care. I may have not known the God of the Bible, in all of His revealed glory but I knew there was a supreme being. I sensed this when I gazed upon the wonders of Creation. You cannot honestly say you do not believe in God because you are here asking questions. You know He exists, even if it is in the recesses of you mind.
4) have you ever questioned your faith?
This is an interesting question and somewhat difficult to answer. In one way, I would say - yes. In the other, I would say - no. Let's start with - YES. Because of my own abiding sins, I have questioned whether or not I was truly one of God's Elect. My faith did not wane nor did it fail but my intellect was questioning my position in Christ or put another way, was my faith my own or was it truly God given faith. There is a difference. As to the - NO - I have never, ever stopped believing that the Scriptures are the True Words of God and in them is the only objective truth and the Words of life.
5) do you believe media like harry potter or pokemon to be problematic? why or why not?
This can be answered simply. If one is outside of Christ, they most likely will believe anything. UFOs, Aliens, Ghosts, the moon landing conspiracy, etc...etc. It really does not matter. If one is in Christ and deeply rooted in the Doctrines of Scripture, then they know the truth and these things would have no sway over them. I watched Harry Potter and enjoyed it for it's entertainment value but certainly do not believe in the magic, ghosts and so on, presented therein.
The most dangerous of the movies and television shows, are the ones based on Biblical accounts. Hollywood is no preacher of Biblical truth. Movies like the "Ten Commandments", "King of kings", "The passion of Christ."...etc. do not follow the Scriptures. They leave things out and add things in. This is very dangerous and could mislead a new believer and the untaught; not to mention the lost individual and don't even get me started with these PTL shows on television - what a mess.
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