Days... we know from the word one day to the lord is like a thousand years. So there is no time space when God made all this

Yes the light before the sun awesome huh

We should know there was sin before Adam and Eve. Well Satan had already fallen and hell was prepared/made for Satan and his angels. For God so loved the world... behold the lamb of God that takes away the? SIN of the world.
The truth is there is much here that is not written so speculation will come in to play. As wonderful lol as speculation can be its very unwise to run with it. Space... always wondered why so black? Oh I LOVE the stars. When I was like 15 or so I had a dream. In this dream I see my self with a HUGE smile and as i am looking at my self he/me turns my head to the right looking up. Now I see all these starts and its not black but a deep dark blue. Then from the right to left these angles cross the sky singing.. this is where I lost. ANYONE here ever hear music from heaven? I called the person that ran the bible study to PLEASE pray I want that to happen again.
Oh I prayed begged ...haha still am. There is nothing like it. No music here even comes close. And at that time I never knew angels had wings unit that dream. I know to our Father this like happen just moments ago but to me its been like what 48 years have gone by.. sorry.. this was about space black. Why make so many planets.... is that the 2nd heaven the place where Abraham said he could not cross.. I don't speculation lol