You don't seem to get it...I don't need to make a scientific excuse for what I believe...I have a faith in a God that breaks all the laws of physics, whenever He desires...because He made those laws

My contention is the whole theory of evolution has no scientific evidence and breaks every known and provable law of the very science it claims to represent...its a fools religion and very poor religion at that
You’re the one who doesn’t get it.
Speaking of faith, I don’t take issue so much with what a person believes, based on his/her personal interpretation of Scripture. What I do take issue with mostly is when that person teaches his/her personal interpretation of Scripture based upon other than Scripture, and in doing so misrepresents and distorts facts, particularly with respect to science.
I particularly object to YECs who say they have “proved” via science that:
1. The Earth is around 6,000 years old.
2. There was a global flood 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.
3. Dinosaurs coexisted with humans.
If you do not understand that the above is nonsense scientifically speaking, you can not possibly even begin to understand evolution, so there is little point in discussing evolution.
And nobody preaches more “scientific” balderdash than Dr. Dino (Kent Hovind).
Although popeye and some of these other YECs in these forums come close.