First of all, Christians are not religious as the world likes to see us as such. Our faith or religion is based on a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ our personal Savior and sovereign Lord and as a result of that we do the good works that God calls us to do. The gay identity is nowhere in Scripture, it is unbiblical. A lot of comes from Freud's and Kinsey's writings as well as other stuff. A former lesbian Rosaria Butterfield saw the connection between the nowaday movement that embraces a lot of Freudian philosophy and such. The Bible says in eight verses, some in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament that homosexuality is a sin against God and goes against God's design for marriage which is between one man and one woman as shown in the first wedding between Adam and Eve in Genesis. Even Jesus in Matthew and Mark said that marriage is between a man and a woman. He also made a reference to Sodom, which his Jewish audience would have recognized went down there. So according to the world, yes it is fine to be ''religious'' and ''gay'' but according to God it is not. I love you because Jesus loved me first. But when the Bible says something is a sin, it is a sin. But the first sins that would need to be tackled by God in a person who believes this are pride and other things that caused the person to start believing they were homosexual in the first place. God bless.